VUTTR (Very Useful Tools to Remember) is an application that allows data visualization and registration of useful tools for different purposes. This project has the application front-end, which accesses its respective API to retrieve, add and remove tools. The application was written using the React.js library and uses Server-side Rendering (SSR) with Next.js.
The main tools used for the construction of this application were:
- React (
- Next (
- Styled Components (
- polished (
- Axios (
- react-icons (
- react-modal (
- react-toastify (
To run the application you need to ensure that you have Node installed and the VUTTR API is running on your machine (See for more details).
- Clone the repository on your machine.
- Access the directory where the source code is located and run "npm install" or "yarn" to install the dependencies.
- Run "npm dev" or "yarn dev" to run the application.
- Type "http://localhost:3001" on your browser to access it.