All notable changes to The Compositor Modules will be documented in this file.
0.1.0 (2024-02-27)
- add script to drop old desktop switching shortcuts (73a4058)
- assign top-left screen corner to overview by default (6aecb1d)
- change Shift+Backtab to Shift+Tab for tabbox (b84f9ce)
- change window highlight style in WindowHeapDelegate (88aba22)
- hide "active mouse screen" option (4f04b27)
- implement additional _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE arguments (c40815e)
- make screen edge toggle overview rather than cycle between modes (fa7fb2a)
- plugin: revoke Meta+Tab and Meta+Shift+Tab shortcuts for overview (06372c7)
- remove legacy virtual desktop number from the menu (28671a3)
- wl: expose method to allow closing windows on shutdown (041f28a)
- wl: implement closeable window rule (5491eea)
- x11: remove xRenderBlendPicture (6c13651)
- activate on thumbnail click when selected (9f34e5d)
- add cursor default shape fallback (56607d3)
- allocate an offscreen fbo with correct scale in OffscreenQuickView (520046c)
- allow switching between modes using shortcuts while already active (6d8a6f6)
- always use GL_RGBA8 in offscreen quick view (d723e7a)
- avoid double delete of QQuickViews (beb7549)
- cast to int for comparison with zero (5515703)
- compare numbers without implicit casts (2b12220)
- consider Qt::KeypadModifier relevant for global shortcuts (2880376)
- do caps lock is not shift lock (ca67d51)
- do full tabbox reset on window release (6165dc2)
- don't scale WindowHeap in overview mode (4509238)
- drop kwin-6.0-overview-activities-shortcuts script (b334bfc)
- export class (c8197f5)
- fix "Drag down to close" label visibility (30f45f7)
- fix a warning about incorrect anchor in overview (6147192)
- fix glitches in mouseclick (5056cdd)
- fix initialization of QEvent::isAccepted() in cloned events in OffscreenQuickView (47d0e1c)
- fix sync'ing currentIndex (4a44ce0)
- fix zoom push mouse tracking on multi-monitor workspaces (b712c51)
- have less concurrent animations (6bb4143)
- make sure window thumbnails and Qt Quick resources are destroyed properly (b7c9447)
- mark fallthrough (6105627)
- match Shift+Backtab against Shift+Tab (efdc0ab)
- only handled input events in on-screen desktops (aa49b95)
- only show otherScreenThumbnail if we are actually dragging (d625b4e)
- overwrite the output in OffscreenQuickView::setGeometry() (c900267)
- plugin: always ref window when sliding it offscreen (3533dd1)
- plugin: avoid relaying text during overview animation (072c809)
- plugin: cache screenshot attributes (2bcc29e)
- plugin: cancel animations when screen is locked/unlocked (137310d)
- plugin: compare desktop number not pointer (4d47a3f)
- plugin: disable acessibility integration on Wayland (6348991)
- plugin: explicitly reset parent on teradown (503c4cc)
- plugin: fix previous desktop indicator in desktopchangeosd (fe9cb05)
- plugin: handle platform destroyed (38923c9)
- plugin: hide "Drag Down to Close" when using a pointing device (b9d8aae)
- plugin: if window is set to "skip switcher", skip it from window heap (60a791e)
- plugin: load milou on demand (822ac90)
- plugin: make transition between overview-grid modes longer (faf4dca)
- plugin: make window captions in Overview 2 lines at most (82c5053)
- plugin: remove and create QPA screens uniquely (3d34fe0)
- plugin: retarget fullscreen animation instead of restarting it (c858465)
- plugin: sse SmoothPixmapTransform when stitching area screenshots (204f094)
- plugin: use correct type to match (8c89c52)
- plugin: use different names for Qt properties (a973672)
- plugin: use floating point offscreen texture (239d2a4)
- plugin: use InCubic easing (650754a)
- plugin: use InOutCubic easing (2fa9e1f)
- register touch action to activate Overview instead of toggling it (223d8b5)
- remove unneeded includes (da3686c)
- remove unused lambda captures (37cf7c8)
- remove unused symbols (69a4889)
- replace QIcon::actualSize (c99b432)
- replace usage of QVariant::type (188e4c2)
- set componentDisplayName for shortcut migration (9be29a0)
- silence keyword-macro warning (3539e47)
- store composited string as QString (8d73bd2)
- update kconf_update version (a85fc9b)
- use FocusScope as main item of tabbox switcher (cdfe19a)
- use new event position functions (b8c0c6a)
- use nullptr (34dbfab)
- use other QHoverEvent ctor (4c19bd0)
- use other QMouseEvent ctor (77fd20c)
- use QKeyCombination instead of int cast (81f13a7)
- use std::as_const instead of deprecated qAsConst (510e8cb)
- use std::unique_ptr instead of QScopedPointer (26025ca)
- wl: dispatch mouse events to internal windows via QWindowSystemInterface (c35ce86)
- wl: remove unique connection specifier (e82f695)
- x11: fix MouseButtonPress events sent to decoration (63f2f78)
- x11: order initializer list (628544f)
- adapt color correct d-bus interface to Plasma (2919fb1)
- add session manager interface class (ae4adc5)
- avoid QtDBus module include (c3bf5b9)
- get wlroots backend with wl_event_loop (8c2489b)
- include always by full path (010e347)
- plugin: don't rely on item type to determine drop behavior (97b3ef9)
- plugin: handle platform creation in separate function (11669b5)
- plugin: replace OpacityMask with ShadowedTexture (9598870)
- rename toplevel namespace (c1dd120)
- use input type alias from base (7c5993e)
- use STL pointers (f25d981)
- use wlr_output_state API (b108c58)
- wl: load plugins dynamically (b348e38)
- x11: remove unused key server functions (83b2c9f)