Note: This project has been migrated to the AdoptOpenJDK organization ( and this repository is not actively maintained any longer.
This project creates a report of all API changes between two different JDK versions, e.g. JDK 8 and 9, using JapiCmp.
Report created by this generator can be found here (excluding any unsupported Sun/Oracle/Apple modules):
- comparing JDK 9.0.1 against JDK 1.8.0_151 (it's 16 MB, so loading may take a bit)
- comparing JDK 10-ea (b42) against JDK 9.0.4
To create the report yourself, e.g. with different settings, run mvn clean install
The API change report can be found at target/jdk-api-diff.html.
Maven Toolchains are used to locate the different JDKs.
There must be a toolchain of type jdk
for the JDKs to compare.
Provide a file ~.m2/toolchains.xml like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
Specify two properties, jdk1
and jdk2
in your pom.xml, identifying the base and target JDK version for the comparison.
The values are comma-separated requirements matched against the <provides>
configurations of the existing toolchain entries.
Both properties must unambiguously identify one toolchain, for example:
If there's no matching toolchain or multiple ones match the given requirements, an exception will be raised.
The report is created via the ModuleRepackager
class which is executed with the Maven exec plug-in.
Adjust the following options passed to that class in pom.xml as needed:
, depending on whether only exported packages should be compared or all packages; only applies if both compared versions are Java 9 or later--excluded-packages
: a comma-separated listed of package names which should be excluded from the comparison
This project is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.