A simple console-based Contact Manager program written in the D programming language. This program allows users to manage a list of contacts, including adding, viewing, and saving contacts to a file.
Add Contacts
- Add a new contact by providing a name and phone number.
Display Contacts
- View all the saved contacts in the contact list.
Save Contacts to File
- Save the contact list to a text file
for future reference.
- Save the contact list to a text file
D Programming Language Compiler (eg. DMD)
Install DMD from dlang.org
To compile the program, use the following command in the terminal:
dmd ContactManager.d
Run the compiled executable:
- Run the program.
- Choose an option from the menu:
- 1: Add a new contact.
- 2: Display all contacts.
- 3: Save contacts to a file.
- 4: Exit the program.
- Follow the prompts for each option.
--- Contact Manager ---
1. Add Contact
2. Display Contacts
3. Save to File
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter Name:
John Doe
Enter Phone Number:
Contact added: John Doe, 1234567890
--- Contact Manager ---
1. Add Contact
2. Display Contacts
3. Save to File
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Contact List:
John Doe, 1234567890
Contacts are saved to a text file name contacts.txt
. Each contact is stored on a new line in the format:
Name, Phone
For input.output operations.std.file
: For file handling.std.string
: For string manipulation (e.g., stripping input).std.algorithm
: For functional programming utilities.