- App is currently deployed in 1 region and all ECS tasks are running in one AZ, for world wide good performance and HA would deploy it to multiple regions and AZs
- Would have auto-scaling to handle surge in the traffic without human intervention
- Due to time restrictions added basic metrics which allows me to get RPS and latency. In production environment there will be metric / trace interceptors that would allow us to have more observable system
- Didn't add as it wasn't in spec, but would generate a request ID for each incoming request and refer to that in all logs
- As it wasn't in the spec I didn't implement it, but ideally this API endpoint should be accesible with a per client token, so we could know who are the clients, who are the heavy hitters
- Since it would require me to have a custom domain and a certificate, didn't implement TLS. Would run the service with TLS in production.
- In addition to rate limiter we could put a CDN for DDos protection and better performance
The code for the API Gateway is in api-gateway
Works as a transparent API Gateway between https://polygon-rpc.com. Forwards the requests and returns the response as we get it.
- We're only integrated with only one network. If needed to support multiple networks
and make changes to integrate we could have another type of
pkg which implementsforwarder.Client
interface - Given I was asked to implement only 2 methods limited the RPC calls that could be done to Polygon to the methods specified
- Given this will be an API exposed to public internet, added a basic rate limiter for all API endpoints
: Gets the JSONRPC request as post body, forwards request to polygon and replies with the header + response body. This endpoint has retry mechanism to retry 3 times for the failed requests/metrics
: Endpoint for Prometheus scrapers to collect metrics for the running process/health
: Health endpoint for LB usage, it is simplistic at the moment. If we were using a database etc a ping to there could be added just as a simple check.
go test ./...
go run cmd/server/main.go
docker build -t trust-wallet-homework .
- Due to time restriction didn't implement TLS connection to ALB as it requires a custom domain and a certificate
- Given this is just deploying one application didn't implement separate modules for VPC, ECS and LB. On a larger Terraform code base abstracting these away with a module would be more maintainable
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 471112544726.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com
docker build -t api-gateway .
docker tag api-gateway:latest 471112544726.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/api-gateway:latest
docker push 471112544726.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/api-gateway:latest
aws ecs update-service --cluster api-gateway-cluster --service api-gateway-server-service --force-new-deployment
Yes, to my personal AWS account. Can be tested with
curl --header "Content-type: application/json" --request POST --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "eth_getBlockByNumber",
"params": [
"id": 2
}' http://api-gateway-lb-2119393760.eu-west-1.elb.amazonaws.com/rpc