Releases: gusbemacbe/suru-plus
v30.0 Barcelona
to make Suru++ Folders compatible with both Suru++ 30 and Suru++ Ubuntu; -
Added GNOME PDF and DeVeDe symlinks (#113);
Added missed Notion icon (#114)
Added missed RMLint icon (#118)
Added Pocket Casts, designed by @jgierer12 (#119);
Added missed the icon
(#120); -
Added Comics Book (#123) and added new 350 mimetypes icons;
Fixed wrong Transmission 16px icon (#124)
Added Onionshare and Ophcrack icons;
Added more than 38 Papirus apps icons;
Added missed Insync icons of
; -
Added missed VSCode Live Share icons;
Added new web apps icons: Grindr, Hornet, Tinder and XDA Developers;
Added support for Wine apps icons: Affinity Designer and BCompare;
Added Affinity Designer mimetypes;
Added new alternative icons following: Comics Book (mimetype icon), Icons/GTK/Plasma Theme (mimetype icon), Sublime Text and Terminal;
Added new colours, based on Suru++ Ubuntu colours, for folders – bordeaux, Canonical, Ubuntu and vermillion:
Added new gradients based on gradients colours of 16px icons for folders – 90s Summer, Aurora and FitDance:
Added new folders colours inspired by Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo:
Added new gradient colours of @Roboron3042's Cyberpunk Neon for 16px icons and folders:
Added new exclusive and special folders in homage to April, the month of astronomy, astronauts, aerospace engineering, cosmology, first image of black hole and the film Avengers: Endgame:
v25.3.0 or XXV.3.0 Aalst
Added new icons:
- Alva
- Cronopete
- Dockstation
- Edex
- elCalc
- elementary OS
- Figma
- Google Web Designer
- Optimizer
- Listen1 (#108)
- Lyrics
- VNote (#108)
Added new icons with two alternatives, designed by @iLynux8888:
Added new GNOME 3.32 icons;
Added new missed symlinked icons of AppImage apps;
Created eSuru++ for supporting elementary OS, suggested by @Chamrosh (#105);
Created Suru++ Light for supporting XFCE light panel, suggested by @sptndc (#107);
's wrong icon of elementary OS Code app in eSuru++ (#109); -
Improved the
, suggested by @Bonandry; -
Improved the 16px
to be legible, suggested by @roachsinai.
v25.2.0 or XXV.2.0 Nantes
- Gradient support for small icons: I added gradient support for all 16px icons of folders apps, categories, devices, mimetypes and places and made it compatible with Oomox and you can change two gradient colours with any colours you want! I have inaugurated Suru++ Colourise with the help and contribution of @actionless and @SmartFinn , allowing you to choose and change one of 9 interesting and cyberpunk gradient colours!
- Suru++ won more new three colours for folders: – indigo, Manjaro-coloured and pink:
Added new 55 icons:
All former versions (1 to 15) are renamed after Italy cities, in homage to the original author of Suru++ Ubuntu, @Bonandry. All other new versions are renamed after different cities of different countries where cyberpunk and retro-futuristic designs were important.
v25.1.1 or XXV.1.1
- I have fixed the bug in the Greek translation in the file
v25.1 or XXV.1
- Officially compatible with @actionless's Oomox. You are allowed to replace the colour of all small icons and of folders with any colour you want!
- New alternative icons of session and of Sublime Text, redesigned by @darcn181:
- Devices icons redesign:
- From 4,700 to 5,200 icons!
- New translations and upgrade in the file
. - Fixed missed KDE media controller icons.
- Fixed symbolic session icons.
v25 or XXV – Rio de Janeiro
- I have increased from 2,2k to 4,7k icons!
- All 4,7k icons of the folder
have been redesigned; - I have fixed the trash icons in KDE;
- I have fixed the wrong session icons;
- Suru++ has won the new folders with colour of Linux Mint:
- The file managers are no longer same, now are different and modern, and redesigned by Pavel Dimens (@pdimens):
- Hundreds Steam games icons are supported officially:
- Some icons have been redesigned by Pedro Gauna (@lapega).
v20.3.2 or XX 3.2
In the Makefile
, clean
to uninstall
fixed by @jonathonf.
v20.3.1 or XX 3.1
added by @jonathonf.
v20.3.0 or XX 3.0 – Paris
It is one of biggest changes made during one month in this icons theme:
Fixed by @SmartFinn:
- Deleted the executable bit from files for security issues.
- Fixed icons with rendering issues on old systems.
- Removed some broken symlinks.
By me:
Removed all Gravit Designer base64 and metadata which caused rendering bugs.
Reduced from 175MB to 110MB!
Vectorised and improved the highlighting border in KDE, you can compare:
Improved the ugly colours of some icons as Activity Monitor and Terminal.
Suru++ conservative and traditional monochromatic icons have been replaced for Papirus colourful and monochromatic icons because they fit very well with Suru++ 20.
The grey colour of monochromatic icons have been replaced with the new cyberpunkish, elegant and modern colour based on Papirus:
. -
New countries flags (in development)!
Designed by @jcuenod:
- Zotero
Designed by @Pronink:
- Azure Data Studio
Added icons:
- Bookworm
- Clion
- DataGrip
- Etcher
- FontBase
- Goland
- Howl
- JetBrains Toolbox
- Joplin
- Natron
- Neovim
- NextCloud
- Rider
- RubyMine
- SIgnal
- TeXmacs
- TeXstudio
- Unity 3D
- VMWare Viewer
- WebStorm
Added 58 Flatpak icons:
- Android Studio
- Audacity
- Avidemux
- Blender
- Bookworn
- Corebird
- Darktable
- Discord
- Dolphin EMU
- Elisa
- Emacs
- Filezilla
- Firefox
- Firefox Developer
- Firefox Nightly
- GCompris
- Geogebra
- GNU Cash
- GPodder
- HexChat
- Inkscape
- JDownloader
- Joplin
- KDEConnect
- Kdenlive
- Keepass
- Krita
- LibreOffice
- Mendeley
- Minitube
- MonoDevelop
- Musecore
- MyPaint
- Neovim
- NextCloud
- Octave
- Okular
- OpenShop
- PhotoQT
- Picard
- Pitivi
- Postman
- Pycharm
- Remmina
- Signal
- Spotify
- Steam
- Sublime Text
- SuperTux
- Telegram
- TeXstudio
- Thunderbird
- Transmission
- Tuxpaint
- Viber
- VSCode
- Zim
Version XX 2.0
v20 2.0 or XX 2.0
Added new missed icons:
- Google Play Music
- Medit
- Nasc (similar to Numi
- PDFSam
- Simple Terminal
- SpaceFM Find
- Fixed the Emacs icon misplayed in KDE
- Fixed the misspelling of Geary icons
Added the 3rd alternative of Firefox, redesigned and added by @ChrisP4 . You can choose one of 3 alternatives:
- Added new 10 folders: