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Server for Nurse Messaging System based in MQTT

License: MIT

System Description

This server is part of a system that includes a mobile messaging application, a MQTT broker and a administration web page.


Database Description

The system uses a MySQL Relational database for storing patients and users information, event logs, and beds information. The database diagrams is:


The system needs to precharge a demo database, after clonning the repository extract the demo-database file in the directory "./db".
The demo-database file can be download from:


cd db
sudo tar xvfj <filepath>

How to run NodeJs application

In order to run the application, after the database is extracted, the user must create a environment file "./.env" with the following content:

#secret pass must be correlated with the front page
JWT_SECRET = 'holamundo';
#token expiration time

##setting por for using websockets(ip and port must 
##be the same in the mobile clients and the front page)

PORT_LOCAL    = 3000


TZ = America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires 

As the system uses calendar events, the timezone must be set to America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires.

After all these steps, run:

docker-compose up

or (if you want to run it on the background):

docker-compose up -d

In order to stop the container execution:

docker-compose down

How to run some test on the application

The test provided is a partial test, some features are not tested. The system must have installed postman, newman and newman-reporter-htmlextra:

snap install postman
npm i -g newman
npm i -g newman-reporter-htmlextra

With the application running in background or in another window, open a new window and in the directory ServerNurse run:

cd Testing
cd postman-collections
newman run ./logueo_usuario.postman_collection.json −r cli,htmlextra

The report will be displayed in the console and the html stored in "./Testing/postman-collections/newman".

There are other tests inside the directory "Testing/postman-collections".

NodeJs application description

The system publishes information of the beds status in a topic "/Beds/status" every 1:30 seconds and the user status in "/User/status" every 1 seconds (see file "./src/backend/mqtt.js"). It also interacts with the administration page , with the mobile application and the bed caller

There are two kinds of clients for this applications:

  • HTTP clients are served by the express submodule and its routes. The subsystem endpoints are stored in the directory "./src/backend/routes"
  • MQTT clients can interact with the system with a specified protocol. The subsystem modules are stored in the directory "./src/backend/mqtt"

HTTP Endpoints specification (under construction)

Beds Management

GET methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/beds/" : returns a list of all the beds avaiable in the system in a Json format:
    [{"bedId":1,"roomId":1,"callerId":1,"floorId":0},{"bedId":2,"roomId":1,"callerId":2,"floorId":0},{"bedId":3,"roomId":1,"callerId":1,"floorId":0 }]

  • "localhost:8000/api/beds/:id" : returns the information of a bed a Json format:

PUT methods:
In order to edit a bed information

  • "localhost:8000/api/beds/:id" : needs the body to have the new information in a Json format. The bedId is passed as parameter. Example of body:

POST method:
Adding a new bed. the bedId is created by the system in a incremental way.

  • "localhost:8000/api/beds/" : needs the body to have information in a Json format. The bedId is passed as parameter. Example of body:

DELETE method:

  • "localhost:8000/api/beds/:id": needs bedId as parameter. Returns the sql result or the error.

Users Management

GET methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/user/": returns all the users registered in the system in JSON format.
  • "localhost:8000/api/user/:id": returns the user's information registered in the system in JSON format. Example:

POST methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/user/": used for adding a new user to the system, needs users information in the body parameter. Body example:
    {"username":"peter", "firstname":"peter", "lastname":"Frant", "occupation":"medico", "state":"1", "password":"123456"}

PUT methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/user/:id": used for editing a user information: needs information passed by the body parameter in JSON format. Example:
    { "username":"peter", "firstname":"peter", "lastname":"Frant", "occupation":"medico", "state":"1", "password":"123456"}

DELETE method:

  • "localhost:8000/api/user/:id": used for removing a user information from the database.


POST methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/authentication/": this method ask the server for a jwt-token in order to access the endpoints of the system. The body parameter must have:
    [{ "username":"peter",

GET methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/authentication/logout/": this method logout the user(not used right now... used with cookies in previous versions).

Table of treatments

This table contains all the nurse spec that can be assigned to one patient. A nurse can have more than one, but a patient only one. It is used to filter the beds that can attend a nurse.

GET methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/specTable/all": this method returns all information in the table of treatments in JSON format. Example:
    [{"id":1,"Name":"Oncología"}, {"id":2,"Name":"Cardiología"}, {"id":3,"Name":"Podología"}, {"id":4,"Name":"Odontología"}, {"id":5,"Name":"Vacunación"}, {"id":6,"Name":"General"}]

  • "localhost:8000/api/specTable/:id": this method returns the name of a single spec:

POST methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/specTable/": this method is used to add a new treatment/spec to the table. The body must have:
    [{Spec: "Enfermeria de salud mental"}]

DELETE methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/specTable/:id": this method delete a single specification.

Table of treatments assigned to a nurse

Based in previous table, one can assign multiple specializations to a nurse by using this table. The methods are:

GET methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/nurseSpecTable/": this method is used to return the specialization of the entire group of nurses.

  • "localhost:8000/api/nurseSpecTable/:id": this method is used to retrieve all the specialization of a single user. the id parameter is the userId. An example of the response body is:

POST methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/nurseSpecTable/": this method is used to create a new specialization for a nurse. The body format has the form:
    [{ specId: 1, userId:}]
    where the specId is specialization id from previous table, and the userId is the identification of user.

DELETE methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/nurseSpecTable/:id": this method is used to delete a row in the table(removing a nurse specialization). The id parameter is the row index.

Patient Management

GET methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/": returns all the patients registered in the system in JSON format.
  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/:id": returns the user's information registered in the system in JSON format. Example:

POST methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/": used for adding a new pacient to the system, needs the patient information in the body of the message. Body example:
    {"patientId":2, "firstname":"peter", "lastname":"Frant", "bedId":"3", "notesTableId":"1", "userTableId":"1"} PUT methods:
  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/:id": used for editing a patient information: needs information passed by the body parameter in JSON format. Example:
    [{"firstname":"peter", "lastname":"Frant", "bedId":"3", "notesTableId":"1", "userTableId":"1"}]

DELETE method:

  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/:id": used for removing a user information from the database.

Table of treatments assigned to a patient

GET methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/treatment/all": returns the pacient-treatment table in JSON Format:

  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/treatment/:id": returns the pacient-treatment row in JSON Format:

  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/treatment/bed/:id": returns the specialization Id in JSON Format using the bedId as parameter:
    Special note: this version of software only supports one treatment for each pacient

POST method:

  • "localhost:8000/api/patient/treatment/": generate a new row in the table.

Messaging Management

GET methods:

  • "localhost:8000/api/messages/": returns the last 100 messages saved in the database in JSON format. Example of return:
    [{"messageId":1,"userIdLastName":"1","userIdSender":1,"patientId":"1","content":"Se levanto bien","dateTime":"2022-05-01T23:36:03.000Z","audiolink":null,"userTableId":1}]
  • "localhost:8000/api/messages/info": returns the last 100 messages saved in the database in JSON format with information of the sender. Example of return:
    [{"messageId":1,"firstname":"Jose","lastname":"laurm","patientId":"1","content":"Se levanto bien"}]

This work is based in by Agustin Bassi ,Ernesto Gigliotti and Brian Ducca


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