For compatibility reasons the current npm version (greater than 2.0.1) can be found in the 2.X Branch.
This is a collection of support libraries for node.js applications running on Cloud Foundry that serve two main purposes: It provides (a) means to emit structured application log messages and (b) instrument parts of your application stack to collect request metrics.
For details on the concepts and log formats, please look at the sibling project for java logging support.
- Network logging (http requests) for CloudFoundry
- Custom message logging
- Logging levels
- Can be bound to Winston as transport
npm install cf-nodejs-logging-support
var express = require('express');
var log = require('cf-nodejs-logging-support');
var app = express();
// Set the minimum logging level (Levels: error, warn, info, verbose, debug, silly)
// Bind to express app
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
// Context bound custom message
req.logMessage("info", "Hello World will be sent");
res.send('Hello World');
// Formatted log message free of request context
log.logMessage("info", "Server is listening on port %d", 3000);
The logging library defaults to express middleware behaviour, but it can be forced to work with other Server libraries as well:
var restify = require('restify');
var log = require('cf-nodejs-logging-support');
var app = restify.createServer();
//forces logger to run the restify version. (default is express, forcing express is also legal)
//insert the logger in the server network queue, so each time a https request is recieved, it is will get logged.
//same usage as express logger, see minimal example above
var log = require("cf-nodejs-logging-support");
const http = require('http');
//forces logger to run the http version.
const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {
//binds logging to the given request for request tracking
log.logNetwork(req, res);
// Context bound custom message
req.logMessage("info", "request bound information:", {
"some": "info"
// Formatted log message free of request context
log.logMessage("info", "Server is listening on port %d", 3000);
Use the logMessage(...) function to log custom messages with a given logging level. It is also possible to use the standard format placeholders equivalent to the util.format method.
Custom messages may be called on three objects:
- If you want to keep track of a request with custom messages before response.send(), you want to call req.logMessage(...) so the correct correlation_id and request_id will be added to this log.
- If you want to write request independent custom messages, you want to call log.logMessage(...) so no further context tracking will be added.
- If you want to write logs out of a (asynchronous) function called by a request handler, you can forward a context object. Retrieve it by calling context = req.getCorrelationObject(). Justs use context.logMessage(...) to write logs at your function. The correct correlation_id will be added to the log automatically. Context objects persists, even if the original request has been finished.
Simple message
logMessage("info", "Hello World");
// ... "msg":"Hello World" ...
With addtional numeric value
logMessage("info", "Listening on port %d", 5000);
// ... "msg":"Listening on port 5000" ...
With additional string values
logMessage("info", "This %s a %s", "is", "test");
// ... "msg":"This is a test" ...
With custom fields added to custom_fields field. Keep in mind, that the last argument is handled as custom fields object, if it is an object.
logMessage("info", "Test data %j", {"field" :"value"});
// ... "msg":"Test data %j"
// ... "custom_fields": {"field": "value"} ...
With json object forced to be embedded in to the message (nothing will be added to custom_fields).
logMessage("info", "Test data %j", {"field" :"value"}, {});
// ... "msg":"Test data {\"field\": \"value\"}" ...
This logging tool can be used in conjunction with Winston. Example:
var express = require('express');
var log = require('cf-nodejs-logging-support');
var winston = require('winston');
var app = express();
var logger = new(winston.Logger)({
// Bind transport to winston
transports: [log.winstonTransport]
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('Hello World');
// Messages will now be logged exactly as demonstrated by the Custom Messages paragraph
logger.log("info", "Server is listening on port %d", 3000);
In order to get the correlation_id of an request, you can use the following call.
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
// Call to context bound function
var id = req.getCorrelationId();
res.send('Hello World');
In order to get the correlation_id of an request, you can use the following call.
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
// Call to context bound function
var ctx = req.getCorrelationContext();
myAsyncFunction(ctx); // Just use ctx.logMessage(...) to write logs from inside the function.
res.send('Hello World');
Setup an output pattern to get a human-readable output instead of json. Use '{{' and '}}' to print log parameters.
log.setLogPattern("{{written_at}} - {{msg}}");