π Self-taught Android Developer
π Graduated from UCI in Mathematics
π Currently looking for entry-level remote work
XML, Room, Material design, Timber Library, Navigation Components, Recyclerview, Scrollview, MVVM Architecture, Activity Lifecycles, ConstraintLayout/FrameLayout/LinearLayout/RelativeLayout, Hillt, OkHTTP, Retrofit, Moshi, Intents and Intent Extra
π A To-Do App where you can login to add, edit, and delete tasks
π Firebase, Authentication, Realtime Database, DialogFragment, ConstraintLayout, Navigation Component, Viewbinding
π A multi-player game of Tic-Tac-Toe that tracks the players' points and allows the users to restart the game or move onto the new round
π LinearLayout, Viewbinding
π Simple note-taking app for adding, updating, and deleting notes
π RelativeLayout, Room, RecyclerView, Viewmodel, Floating Action Button
π Displays daily and weekly forecast from the Open Weather API
π ConstraintLayout, HorizontalScrollView, JSON, XML, Executors, APIs
π Simple app that adds and deletes contact information
π MVVM Architecture, Bottom Sheet Fragment, RecyclerView
π UW's CSE 414 Introduction to Database Systems
π Java, SQL++, SQLite3, jGRASP, Brackets
π Found the shortest flight path between any two given cities
π Computed the PageRank value of each city and the correlation matrix between carriers and their origin city
π UCI's Math 10 Introduction to Data Science
π Juypter Notebook, Python, Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Logistic Regression, Principle Component Analysis, Scikit-learn, kNN, IsoMap
π Trains machine learning models to classify images of clothing items to their respective categories (shirts, pants, shoes, etc.) with 89.34% accuracy.
π UW's CSE 143 Computer Programming
π Java, jGRASP
π This program finds and prints out combinations of anagrams from a given word or phrase based on what's in the dictionary.