This is a playground project to demonstate Mockito testing framework usage with JUnit4.
Prefer mocks overs spies to keep things simple. Spies work partially as the real object and partially have the mocked/overriden behavior and may complicate things. So avoid them, if not necessary to use them.
- Readability/Clarity
- naming example: <method_name>Should<expected_result>When<condition_under_test>
- content or test input values: extract anything common to helper methods and supply to the test directly only the specific ones
- BDD style can help in organizing the test: given - when - then
- Tests should fail only when there are business logic failures
- the test scenarios should isolated from each other
- test scenarios order of execution should not matter
- data dependencies should not exist
- Concepts demonstrated here were inspired by Ranga's Rao Karanam repository on testing and best practices: