Position evaluation chat bot for http://tcec.chessdom.com/live.php
-u, --twitchUserName Required. Twitch username for the chat bot.
-a, --twitchAccessToken Required. Twitch access token. You can generate one from twitchtokengenerator.com
-c, --twitchChannelName Required. The name of the Twitch chat channel.
-s, --syzygyPath The path for syzygy table base.
-m, --moveTime (Default: 10000) Time (in milliseconds) for the engine to think.
-t, --threads (Default: 2) The number of threads for the engine to run on.
-h, --hash (Default: 128) The size of the hash (in MB) to be used by the engine.
--cooldownTime (Default: 30) Cooldown time (in seconds) for the evaluation command.
--thinkingMessage (Default: true) Show thinking message before starting the evaluation.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.