For a '.sublime-syntax' Manifesto
The goal of this manifesto is to provide scope naming convention for people creating syntaxes for Sublime. The new format of syntaxes (.sublime-syntax) is more versatile than the old one (.tmLanguage) and have incited more people to create new syntaxes. The .tmLanguage format was initiated by TextMate and they provide several rules on how to name things. While this guidelines have the advantage to exist they are a bit limited, and let a lot of things open to interpretation.
In particular they aren't detailed enough compared to the fine graine precision allowed by the .sublime-syntax. While a lot of code and in particular themes are based on this scope convention, they also have evolved to support implicit rules. My goal here is to simplify the life of both Theme artists and Syntax nerds by writing down more detailed convention while breaking the minimum amount of existing code.
Everyone involved in Theme or Syntax creation is welcome to give is advice and make PR.
There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
-- Phil Karlton