This starter tool utilizes many tools I have used over and over for development and attempts to wrap them all into a sensible starting place. It includes the following tools
- Bower - for js package managment
- Grunt - to run processes like jshint, compass, live reload etc..
- Bootstrap 3 - don't just use it on its own it is a framework :)
- Watch with Live reload - Runs all the grunt tasks and reloads the webpage once upload to shopify is completed.
- Compass - This Sass add on comes with sass and a bunch of helpers to make your life easier.
- Grunt Shopify - Once configured this will upload the updated files to shopify.
- Shopify Skeleton theme - The skeleton template theme is included although slightly altered to work with above technologies.
- Grunt modernizr - Custom modernizr build based on what your are using
- jshint - offers useful advice about how to improve your js
- grunt concat - concatinates all js files into a single file -
- grunt concat bower - same thing but understand bowers folder structure -
- grunt uglify - minimizes your javascript -
- Bundler - manages ruby dependencies like compass -
- Clone this repo
- Make sure you have ruby, bundler, npm, grunt, and bower installed. You can read about installing these on their respective documentations.
- Install grunt modules - npm install
- Install bower components - bower install
- Setup your api, password and store url in the Gruntfile.js
//upload changed files to shopify
shopify: {
options: {
api_key: "API key",
password: "pass",
url: "url",
base: "shop/"
- Setup your live reload browser plugin.
- Setup you bundler components - bundle install
- Run grunt watch.
- Start coding.
- World domination!
When you run grunt watch it starts up grunt and watches for you to edit your files. It watches the following files for changes:
- /sass/*.scss
- /custom_js/*.js
- Bower additions
- the following folder in the shop directory "shop/assets/", "shop/config/", "shop/snippets/", "shop/layout/", "shop/templates/**" depending on the action you took it will minimize/lint javascript, run css pre-processors, upload changed files to your shopify theme and reload your browser so you can view changes.
├── assets
│ └── Javascript, CSS, and theme images - generated from ../custom_js and ../sass folders
├── config
│ └── custom Theme Settings
├── layout
│ ├── theme.liquid
│ └── optional alternate layouts
├── snippets
│ └── optional custom code snippets
├── templates
│ ├── 404.liquid
│ ├── article.liquid
│ ├── blog.liquid
│ ├── cart.liquid
│ ├── collection.liquid
│ ├── index.liquid
│ ├── page.liquid
│ ├── product.liquid
│ └── search.liquid
│ └── list-collections.liquid
├──javascript used in the store pre compression
├──Node Modules
├──Compass and sass stylesheets for the store pre compression
If you are looking for some starter email templates check out