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Quine relay implemented with a network ring of Docker containers. Based one the work of [David Gageot] ( He uses kubernetes. I addapted it to docker compose because I wanted to get it to work on [Joyent Triton/ SDC-Docker] (

Do to it's setup (exposing ports or better the lack of it) it only works out of the box on Joyent Triton/ SDC-Docker I guess. Did not try that on boot2docker or the like.

spawn all docker containers:

docker-compose --verbose up -t 600 --no-recreate. (go play a table top gome. Takes a while to spawn all the containers. For me 1 1/2 Hours local coal install)

Note: For local coal (Vmware SDC installation) you need to set DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 (even though sdc-docker setup unsets it) otherwise compose does not talk to the remote docker. (Bug???). You also need a lot of RAM. 12GB+. For me compose did brake a few times. Then I had to delete the last created containe and rerun the command. Not sure if thats a compose problem are ressource problem in coal.

When done docker-compose multiplexes all docker logs so you can watch what goes on in each container.

So get your IP for the ruby container (The ruby container is the only one port exported public: 8080)

Get that think going:

curl --data-binary @QR.rb http://(ruby_exported_ip):8080/run/ruby

Watch docker-compose output:

ruby_1       | ========================================
ruby_1       | ruby
ruby_1       | ruby QR.rb > QR.scala
ruby_1       | 151484
ruby_1       | http://scala:8080/run/scala
scala_1      | ========================================
scala_1      | scala
scala_1      | scalac QR.scala && scala QR > QR.scm
scala_1      | 93710
scala_1      | http://scheme:8080/run/scheme
scheme_1     | ========================================
scheme_1     | scheme
scheme_1     | gosh QR.scm > QR.sci
scheme_1     | 64816
scheme_1     | http://scilab:8080/run/scilab
scilab_1     | ========================================
scilab_1     | scilab
scilab_1     | scilab -nw -nb -f QR.sci > QR.bash
scilab_1     | 63434
scilab_1     | http://shell:8080/run/shell
shell_1      | ========================================
shell_1      | shell
shell_1      | bash QR.bash >
shell_1      | 55342
shell_1      | http://slang:8080/run/slang
slang_1      | ========================================
slang_1      | slang
slang_1      | slsh >
slang_1      | 42357
slang_1      | http://smalltalk:8080/run/smalltalk
smalltalk_1  | ========================================
smalltalk_1  | smalltalk
smalltalk_1  | gst > QR.spl
smalltalk_1  | 42285
smalltalk_1  | http://spl:8080/run/spl
spl_1        | ========================================
spl_1        | spl
spl_1        | splrun QR.spl > QR.sml
spl_1        | 38754
spl_1        | http://ml:8080/run/ml
ml_1         | ========================================
ml_1         | ml
ml_1         | mlton @MLton fixed-heap 200M -- QR.sml && ./QR > QR.sq
ml_1         | 310099
ml_1         | http://subleq:8080/run/subleq
subleq_1     | ========================================
subleq_1     | subleq
subleq_1     | ruby vendor/subleq.rb QR.sq > QR.tcl
subleq_1     | 36894
subleq_1     | http://tcl:8080/run/tcl
tcl_1        | ========================================
tcl_1        | tcl
tcl_1        | tclsh QR.tcl > QR.t
tcl_1        | 196678
tcl_1        | http://thue:8080/run/thue
thue_1       | ========================================
thue_1       | thue
thue_1       | ruby vendor/thue.rb QR.t > QR.unl
thue_1       | 196666
thue_1       | http://unlambda:8080/run/unlambda
unlambda_1   | ========================================
unlambda_1   | unlambda
unlambda_1   | ruby vendor/unlambda.rb QR.unl > QR.vala
unlambda_1   | 65555
unlambda_1   | http://vala:8080/run/vala
vala_1       | ========================================
vala_1       | vala
vala_1       | valac QR.vala && ./QR > QR.v
vala_1       | 46444
vala_1       | http://verilog:8080/run/verilog
verilog_1    | ========================================
verilog_1    | verilog
verilog_1    | iverilog -o QR QR.v && ./QR -vcd-none > QR.vb
verilog_1    | 36116
verilog_1    | http://vbasic:8080/run/vbasic
vbasic_1     | ========================================
vbasic_1     | vbasic
vbasic_1     | vbnc QR.vb && mono ./QR.exe >
vbasic_1     | 570163
vbasic_1     | http://whitespace:8080/run/whitespace
whitespace_1 | ========================================
whitespace_1 | whitespace
whitespace_1 | ruby vendor/whitespace.rb > QR.xslt
whitespace_1 | 35635
whitespace_1 | http://xslt:8080/run/xslt
xslt_1       | ========================================
xslt_1       | xslt
xslt_1       | xsltproc QR.xslt > QR.yorick
xslt_1       | 35392
xslt_1       | http://yorick:8080/run/yorick
yorick_1     | ========================================
yorick_1     | yorick
yorick_1     | yorick -batch QR.yorick > QR.azm
yorick_1     | 30784
yorick_1     | http://zoem:8080/run/zoem
zoem_1       | ========================================
zoem_1       | zoem
zoem_1       | zoem -i QR.azm > QR.+
zoem_1       | 28267
zoem_1       | http://aplus:8080/run/aplus
aplus_1      | ========================================
aplus_1      | aplus
aplus_1      | a+ QR.+ > qr.adb
aplus_1      | 27225
aplus_1      | http://ada:8080/run/ada
ada_1        | ========================================
ada_1        | ada
ada_1        | gnatmake qr.adb && ./qr > QR.als
ada_1        | 27047
ada_1        | http://afnix:8080/run/afnix
afnix_1      | ========================================
afnix_1      | afnix
afnix_1      | axi QR.als > QR.a68
afnix_1      | 26582
afnix_1      | http://algol68:8080/run/algol68
algol68_1    | ========================================
algol68_1    | algol68
algol68_1    | a68g QR.a68 > QR.ante
algol68_1    | 948817
algol68_1    | http://ante:8080/run/ante
ante_1       | ========================================
ante_1       | ante
ante_1       | ruby vendor/ante.rb QR.ante > QR.asy
ante_1       | 26356
ante_1       | http://asymptote:8080/run/asymptote
asymptote_1  | ========================================
asymptote_1  | asymptote
asymptote_1  | asy QR.asy > QR.dats
asymptote_1  | 26130
asymptote_1  | http://ats:8080/run/ats
ats_1        | ========================================
ats_1        | ats
ats_1        | atscc -o QR QR.dats && ./QR > QR.awk
ats_1        | 26013
ats_1        | http://awk:8080/run/awk
awk_1        | ========================================
awk_1        | awk
awk_1        | awk -f QR.awk > QR.bc
awk_1        | 188328
awk_1        | http://bc:8080/run/bc
bc_1         | ========================================
bc_1         | bc
bc_1         | BC_LINE_LENGTH=4000000 bc -q QR.bc > QR.bef
bc_1         | 2067776
bc_1         | http://befunge:8080/run/befunge
befunge_1    | ========================================
befunge_1    | befunge
befunge_1    | cfunge QR.bef > QR.Blc
befunge_1    | 694848
befunge_1    | http://blc8:8080/run/blc8
blc8_1       | ========================================
blc8_1       | blc8
blc8_1       | ruby vendor/blc.rb < QR.Blc >
blc8_1       | 25735
blc8_1       | http://boo:8080/run/boo
boo_1        | ========================================
boo_1        | boo
boo_1        | booi >
boo_1        | 1155217
boo_1        | http://brainfuck:8080/run/brainfuck
brainfuck_1  | ========================================
brainfuck_1  | brainfuck
brainfuck_1  | bf > QR.c
brainfuck_1  | 63537
brainfuck_1  | http://c:8080/run/c
c_1          | ========================================
c_1          | c
c_1          | gcc -o QR QR.c && ./QR > QR.cpp
c_1          | 47325
c_1          | http://cpp:8080/run/cpp
c_1          | [Worker: RequestDispatcher: Thread-12] ERROR Fluent - Unable to apply route

Here I did not spwan all 100 quine containers so it stops as the next container is not running.


"Networked" Quine Relay build for docker compose






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