Documentation + Presentation of de novo genome assembly efforts on a 20Mb protist.
See report.html for analysis results. The report was generated using R and knitr.
contains the presentation held. To create the HTML slides slides.html, you need pandoc and reveal.js (included here with a hacked stylesheet).
All scripts that were used in assembly and report generation are in the subfolder scripts/
or otherwise documented in report.html.
Assembly with Abyss + Scaffolding using Pacbio reads. Includes workarounds for not being able to use MPI and a crash in the abyss pipeline when running the BWA alignment.
Call blasr and Cerulean to scaffold Abyss contigs.
SGA quality control for Illumina Libraries.
Run all stages of the SGA assembler. Tries to be intelligent about previously finished stages. Unlike all other scripts, it does not have a run_
prefix for unknown reasons.
Run SOAP-denovo with k=81
pacBioToCA pipeline. Use camel case for script name for unknown reasons.
start SMRTanalysis pipeline
This is only the wrapper script. Please see report.html for details.
Analyses an assembly for presence of core genes (CEGMA pipeline).
BWA alignment of PacBio reads to Assembly scaffolds and various analysis scripts (need to run module load perl5lib
to set env).
Most data analysis with R and knitr. To rerun the report, go to the data/
subfolder and do the following in R:
library('knitr') knit('../report.Rmd') markdownToBsHTML('', output='report.html')
is a hack to produce nicer results, but includes javascript and stylesheets from Bootstrap (uses markdown.html
as a template). This is not necessary, markdownToHTML
is enough.
Raw data is not included!