released this
26 Oct 20:05
All symbols defined in the num module have been moved to the global module.
All symbols defined in the logic module have been moved to the global module.
All symbols defined in the str module have been moved to the global module.
All symbols defined in the seq module have been moved to the global module.
Removed lambdabind (use lambda-bind instead).
The stack module is no longer imported.
stack module: removed symbol id .
stack module: renamed clear-stack to clear .
stack module: removed clearstack (use stack.clear instead).
stack module: renamed get-stack to get .
stack module: removed getstack (use stack.get instead).
stack module: renamed set-stack to set .
stack module: removed setstack (use stack.set instead).
The io module is no longer imported.
io module: renamed fwrite and write to fs.write
io module: renamed fread and read to
io module: renamed fappend to fs.append
io module: moved print to the global module.
io module: removed newline (use "" puts!
The fs module is no longer imported.
fs module: renamed fperms to fs.permissions
fs module: renamed fsize to fs.size
fs module: renamed fstats to fs.stats
fs module: renamed ftype to fs.type
The time module is no longer imported.
time module: renamed tformat to time.format
time module: renamed timeinfo to
time module: renamed timestamp to time.stamp
The dict module is no longer imported.
dict module: renamed dhas? to dict.has?
dict module: renamed dget to dict.get
dict module: renamed dget-raw to dict.get-raw
dict module: renamed dset to dict.set
dict module: renamed dset-sym to dict.set-sym
dict module: renamed ddel to dict.del
dict module: renamed dkeys to dict.keys
dict module: renamed dvalues to dict.values
dict module: renamed dpairs to dict.pairs
dict module: renamed ddup to dict.dup
dict module: renamed dpick to dict.pick
dict module: renamed dtype to dict.type
The sys module is no longer imported.
The dstore module has been renamed to store , and is no longer imported.
store module: renamed dsinit to store.init
store module: renamed dsget to store.get
store module: renamed dshas? to store.has?
store module: renamed dsput to store.put
store module: renamed dspost to
store module: renamed dsdelete to store.delete
store module: renamed dsquery to store.query
store module: renamed dswrite to store.write
store module: renamed dsread to
The crypto module is no longer imported.
The math module is no longer imported.
math module: renamed r2g to math.r2d
The net module is no longer imported.
The http module is no longer imported.
The xml module is no longer imported.
xml module: renamed xcomment to xml.comment
xml module: renamed xentity to xml.entity
xml module: renamed xtext to xml.text
xml module: renamed xentity2utf8 to xml.entity2utf8
xml module: renamed xcdata to xml.cdata
xml module: renamed xescape to xml.escape
xml module: renamed xelement to xml.element
xml module: renamed xquery to xml.query
xml module: renamed xqueryall to xml.query-all
The prompt symbol is no longer unsealed.
Fixes and Improvements
Upgraded OpenSSL to v3.3.2.
You can’t perform that action at this time.