The service offers two main service tiers: Free Tier and Business Tier. Each service provides specific features to help users monitor air quality and receive recommendations related to health and environmental impact. In the Business Tier, business users can monitor their company's carbon emissions and receive more detailed reports on air quality and emissions across multiple locations.,GlqvPX5bDQa-FnIVzzjjAA
Business Tier Process (With Payment Gateway Process Using Xendit)
User Input:
- Business Information:
- Type of company (e.g., factory, office, restaurant).
- Total carbon emissions generated by the business.
- Expected location (in the form of longitude and latitude coordinates).
Multi-location Monitoring for Business:
- Business users can monitor multiple locations simultaneously, especially if they have facilities or factories in different locations. Reports can be compiled for all these locations.
System Output:
- Emission Comparison: The system will compare the total carbon emissions produced by the company with the environmental emissions at the input location (data taken from third-party API).
- Location Recommendation Report: Determine whether the location is suitable for the business based on environmental pollution baseline.
- Emission Recommendation: Includes environmental emission data and emissions generated by the business.
Notification & Reporting:
- Detailed reports sent via WhatsApp or email using Twilio, which include:
- Download link for PDF/CSV containing:
- Historical air quality data for the location.
- Facility recommendation report (if more than one recommendation is available).
- Carbon tax report, calculating total facility emissions multiplied by the price per unit of carbon.
- Greenhouse gas emission report.
- Download link for PDF/CSV containing:
Scheduled Notifications:
- Periodic notifications every 1 minute (or at intervals set) will send the report to the user's WhatsApp or email.
Additional API Development:
- Additional Features:
- Interactive graphs or visual maps displaying historical air quality data at various locations over a specific period.
- Users can view air quality trends over time for locations they are interested in.
API Input:
- Location (in the form of longitude and latitude coordinates).
- Start date and end date (time period for air quality trends).
API Output:
- The response is in JSON format, with information including a download link for:
- PDF/CSV containing historical air quality data reports for the requested time period.
- Third-party Air Quality API: To retrieve air quality data for specific locations.
- Twilio: To send notifications via WhatsApp or email.
- Xendit: As a payment gateway to handle payments from Business Tier users.