Javadoc-Enhander adds a powerful search-field to the class list of Javadoc page. The search field allows the use of wildcards and mimics the camel-case notation used for navigating classes in tools such as IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse.
Go to the demo page to see it in action and play around.
The search-field is inserted using a bookmarklet. Github doesn't allow javascript-links, so installation is done in one of the following ways:
Go to the demo page and bookmark the link given in the ´Installation´ section.
Copy the following url into an existing bookmark
javascript:(function(){function a(a,e){var n=document.createElement("script");n.src=a,n.onload=e,document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)}a("//",function(){a("//")})})()
The bookmarklet works by loading the script jdocenhance.min.js
through the CDN. Only the bookmarklet needs to be installed.
The following items are on the roadmap for future versions
- Automatically re-insert the script if the "All classes" frame changes.
- Keyboard navigation
- Look into creating a Greasemonkey script that automates the insertion.
- Make the bookmarklet load the latest release, rather than being locked into a specific version.
- Map out the differences in Javadoc through the ages to support older versions.