Fixes laggy scrolling in Safari on OS X when on the official StarCitizen website located at:
Baryn from the official StarCitizen forums and his thread, which can be found here:
My code is a 95% copy and paste of his original code for the Chrome extension he made.
- Download the latest build from here:
- Then simply double click it in your Downloads folder and Safari will ask you to install it.
In order to build an extension with your own changes yourself you need a free Apple ID, a free Safari Developer account ( and Safari on OS X.
In a nutshell:
- Create an Apple ID
- Sign up for a Safari Dev Account at
- Create a Certificate Signing Request (instructions on the Apple Developer Website)
- Download + inject the Apple Developer Certificate into your Keychain
- Enable Safari Developer mode through Preferences -> Advanced
- Open the Extension Builder from the Develop menu
- Clone this Git repo
- Select Add Extension on the lower left in the Extension Builder
- Edit rsiscrollfix.js to your liking in an external editor
- Press Build Package on the upper right inside the Extension Builder
This will create a new RSIScrollFix.safariext that will contain your changes.