The entrypoint for the hackAD NYU Vote server
The repo for the actual NYU Vote code can be found here:
The NYU Vote users documentation can be found here:
git submodule init
git submodule update
curl curl -sSL | sh
curl | bash
See submodule repos
First you need to make sure the reverse proxy is correctly configured. Checkout the README at this link for instructions:
You also need a Google Apps token. Be sure your redirect URLs are correctly set. Here is an example:
Note that raw IP Addresses are not allowed in the above, so if you want to use a remote dev server, either use register a domain name or use ngrok as a reverse tunnel.
Copy the fig yml file and fill in the environment variables. You need to specify a Google API ID and Key (for o-auth logins), as well as optionally a MONGO URI if you want to use an external databse.
cp fig.yml.example fig.yml
nano fig.yml
git submodule foreach git pull
fig build
##To start
fig up