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Instructions For Onboarding Devs

Ryan Chase edited this page Aug 25, 2024 · 2 revisions


These are instructions for how to how the developer lead or PM should onboard a new member to the 311 Data dev team. It will cover in greater detail what is provided on the engineering onboard issue.


  1. Tracking Onboarding
  2. What to Prioritize
  3. Checklist-Specific Tips


Tracking Onboarding

One Post Per Onboard

The onboarding tickets are our primary mechanism for tracking member onboarding. There are onboard tickets for each team, see R.1 to view the complete list. We onboard new members by using a re-usable markdown section, posted on the issue's original post (OP). This copied markdown serves as the checklist to be followed while processing the new member. As mentioned in the ticket's action items, please copy the needed markdown (see R.2) and re-post it as a new comment. To discourage lost progress, feel free to post the comment un-altered, frequently re-editing as needed. Please ensure that you provide the following information to the post:

  • the current date in the YYYY-MM-DD format
  • the member's full name

Note: The date is mostly used when the admin team needs to cross reference membership dates.

Actually Onboarding

In order to complete the onboarding process, you'll now need to complete the checklist by utilizing the links on the OP's Resources/Instructions section. When working through these with Bonnie, please move your windows into a split screen configuration, with the Resources on one side, and the new member's checklist on the other. See R.3 for a screen grab of an example of viewing the Resources and Checklist on the same screen.

Sharing Progress

The most important aspect of onboarding a new member is for them to receive a signal/feedback about their onboarding progress. It is strongly encouraged to send them a link to their onboarding post. This lets them stay informed on their onboarding progress, see R.4 for locating the comment's Copy Link dropdown menu item.

We can also encourage new members to participate in their onboarding by checking off boxes as they gain access to that resources (e.g. Slack Channels, Google Drive). In general, it's a good idea to have the member visually confirm they indeed have access to each of the items on their list.

What to Prioritize

No matter what the order of the checklist at the time of reading this, the following items should be prioritized:

  1. Ask for the member's gmail and Github handle
  2. Add the member to the 311-Data and 311-Data write Teams (aka permissions groups)
  3. Add the member as a Contributor to the 311-Data shared drive

You can't do anything without their gmail and github. They cannot check off their checklist without read/write permissions. They will not be able to access the roster without access to the shared drive.

Checklist-Specific Tips

  • Slack channel membership
    • Review R.6
      • typing /invite will pop up the invite action menu in slack
      • choose "Invite someone to this channel" and provide their name or email
  • Adding members to the 311-Data Shared Drive
    • Review R.5
      • Finding Shared Drives in the GDrive interface (left red box)
      • Managing members (right red box)
    • You will be receive a warning when attempting to add the member
      • " is external to Hack for LA, who owns the item..."
      • This is expected. Click, "Share Anyway"
    • Add a note
      • e.g. Welcome to 311 Data Project's dev team. You are now granted access to the shared drive.
  • Add to Google calendar invites
    • Edit event > Guests > Add Guests
      • enter email
      • save event
    • Adding a new guest gives you an option to send invitation emails.
      • Gmail will send out invitation emails to everybody no matter what.
      • This is expected and can't be helped.
  • Adding member to the Roster
    • There is a dropdown section at the bottom of the copy/paste markdown section with the "Required Roster Fields" for devs
    • Bonnie really hates it when members accidentally add 1000 rows to the bottom of the spreadsheet (see R.7)
      • this can be avoided by adding a single row for each new expected member
    • Check for Public
      • Proceed to the relevant URL resource in the onboarding doc for this step
    • See R.8 to visually confirm they have completed this step
  • Adding Member to Read/Write Teams
    • When it asks to confirm about each repo, you can safely click Confirm
    • We do this in order to provide the member with permissions for all repos associated with 311 Data
  • Sharing Environment Variables
    • Check in with the PM Lead or Dev Lead
    • We have just been passing this around via direct messages
    • Not terribly important for Mapbox
    • Please do not commit the Github personal access token (members should not need this for the Quickstart section)


R.1: Related Onboarding Links

R.2 Example Copy/Paste Markdown

Click to see example of copy/paste markdown

#### Onboard: YYYY-MM-DD <name>
- [ ] Slack channel membership
 - [ ] Google Drive
   - [ ] Add to drive as Contributor
- [ ] Add to Google calendar invites
   - [ ] Wednesday All-Team meeting
- [ ] [Roster](
  - [ ] Send link
  - [ ] Team member adds themselves
  - [ ] Check for Public
- [ ] GitHub
     - [ ] Add to write team
     - [ ] Add to read team
     - [ ] Confirm that their name is on their Github 
- [ ] Bookmark [Engineering Agenda Issue](
- [ ] Visit [Open Github Issues](
- [ ] Update team page on Wiki
- [ ] Share Tokens and Environment Variables
- [ ] Complete 311-Data repo [Quickstart](

<details><summary>Roster Required Fields</summary>

- Status: Active (required)
- Role: whatever name you'd like, but Fullstack Dev is good for consistency (required)
- Dashboard: M (I think it means member? required)
- email: required
- number/texting: optional
- Slack Name: required
- SlackID: required (click your slack picture > ellipses > copy member id)
- everything else: optional

<img src="" width="254">


R.3 Split Screen Configuration

Click to see screenshot of split screen configuration


R.4 Copying A Comment URL

Click to see screenshot of copy url dropdown menu


R.5 GDrive Shared Drive

Click to see screenshot of Managing the Shared 311 Data Drive


R.6 Inviting to Slack Channels via Slash Action

Click to see screenshot of Slack Slash Actions


R.7 Adding New Rows to the Roster

Click to see screenshot of the Add Rows button

Please simply add 1 row for the new member to avoid having to prune 1000 empty rows image

R.8 Checking For Public on the People Page

Click to see screenshot of Checking Public on People Page


For Editors

<details><summary>Click to see screenshot of ___ </summary>

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