DIY hacked together FPV remote-controlled car
- Raspberry Pi 3
- SD card
- Arduino Nano
- 4x continuous rotation hacked servos
- 2x H-Bridges
- ... list is not complete
- Write the latest rasbian os to the SD card (jessie)
- Connect it. Make sure your usb power supply have enough amps (~2.5A)
- Expand the file system. Menu -> Preferences -> Raspberry Pi Configuration. Click Expand Filesystem button. Ok and then save.
- Select keyboard and language settings. Menu -> Preferences -> Mouse and Keyboard settings. Select keyboard tab and then Keyboard layout. Make your choice.
- Change password for the pi user (run the
command in the console) - Connect to a wifi
- Upgrade stuff. Run
sudo apt-get update
andsudo apt-get upgrade
. Press Y if needed - Install stuff:
sudo apt-get install vim screen picocom libftdi1 fail2ban apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
- Run
and note the mac address (HWaddr) as it can be nice to have for later to find the pi on a network. Example on how to find the ip of your pi (change the ip and mac):sudo nmap -sP | awk '/^Nmap/{ip=$NF}/00:0F:54:10:AA:AA/{print ip}'
- Run
pip install -U platformio
- Get the code
git clone
- Install serial startup script by running
sudo systemctl enable /home/pi/reelbot/reelbot.service
. To start and stop, runsudo systemctl start|stop reelbot.service
. To connect screen, usescreen -r reelbot
. - Connect arduino, enter reelbot folder, and run
platformio run --target upload
. Enter Y if asked about platform install - Allow apache to access usb devices
sudo usermod -a -G dialout www-data
- Replace weserver config
sudo sh -c 'cat apache.conf > /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf'
and restart serversudo service apache2 restart