Releases: hackolade/Avro
added custom properties of custom tabs when data type is multiple
allowed doc property to be overwritten by reference description in Avro script, added taking custom properties, if different from reference field instead of definition
allowed forward-engineering when an internal definition references a model definition and they both have the same name
added assignment of type definition name to the created reference in oneOf choice, added doc property to schema when oneOf union type of complex data types
added default in schema forward-engineering to enable resolving entity references
added default in schema forward-engineering to enable resolving entity references
suppressed false positive validation warning about missing default in choices (oneOf, anyOf, allOf)
suppressed false positive validation warning about missing default in choices (oneOf, anyOf, allOf)
removed from persistence default options changed by user
removed from persistence default options changed by user
added adapter for name revalidation
added adapter for name revalidation
added possibility to convert enum's symbol default to polyglot and derive from it
added possibility to convert enum's symbol default to polyglot and derive from it