An example of a small blockchain written in Rust. I've only just started learning the Rust programming language and this struck me as a nice little project to get me started. It is based on some python code that can be found here: Snakecoin
I'm planning to add demo server and client code soon.
You need a computer with the rustc compiler and cargo installed.
- git clone
- cd rusticblocks
- cargo run --bin example
Compiling blockchain v0.1.0 (file:///home/ruben/build/rust/rusticblocks)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 30.89 secs
Running `target/debug/example`
"index": 0,
"timestamp": 0,
"transactions": [
"timestamp": 0,
"payload": "This is the Genesis Block"
"prevhash": 0,
"myhash": 0
"index": 1,
"timestamp": 1525099218,
"transactions": [
"timestamp": 1525099218,
"payload": "Random string: bQj3b1LS6tfDOZxHsUC8sDdBeOWEh5KciZvTlLgoUkIjcPR3pmhOWUzLjuneo9Yd"
"timestamp": 1525099218,
"payload": "Random string: jL93EJK1EHEDOj0HE6vYkk27XSFktg4eYMEcbLQHjcgZ9AbkhYG82jngl4wmyclS"
"timestamp": 1525099218,
"payload": "Random string: cViMVnKTSykDuGfxJPJ9ZGHjNCiN2311MJGI3TTi1h0M9aEJpY0JtSx0MKuo77CQ"
"prevhash": 0,
"myhash": 8778940246407823298
"index": 2,
"timestamp": 1525099218,
"transactions": [
"timestamp": 1525099218,
"payload": "Random string: H1KA4eGCHhDpW6Qm47e8FKHa9CVAPMMbFX29ylhphhtzAUaFdraI5mpSPLGEvTW8"
"timestamp": 1525099218,
"payload": "Random string: RTDUyV0bL1hmA48cgeVgxy4NOqnYXHA6BM6cjZG8Fq6EH9O1ks2uReFiQeQB2TVC"
"timestamp": 1525099218,
"payload": "Random string: tbzYCUPlvmTNXW8nMg47QD1dg17r7Hl3t2xEQ9ZDoo7SMEFCcNvewt4VyWp5m03r"
"prevhash": 8778940246407823298,
"myhash": 18357583325446610174
"index": 3,
- Ruben de Groot
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details