- RUN: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
RUN: python3 esa_master_downloader.py
RUN: python3 esa_master_downloader.py -h
for more setup information
This script checks the esa_data_db database once every given number of seconds. If there are undownloaded products in the db the script will grab up to 100 of them and download them with asynchronous multiprocessing. Otherwise the script will resume waiting for new products.
RUN: python3 esa_watcher.py
RUN: python3 esa_watcher.py -h
for more setup information
This script checks ESA sentinel database using the scihub api, and retrieves new SLC and GRD products for subscriptions owned by high priority Hyp3 users, if those products are not already available to ASF.