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eio_luv: add low-level process support
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talex5 authored Nov 23, 2022
2 parents d24af9a + de45321 commit 683e8dd
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Showing 3 changed files with 225 additions and 0 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions lib_eio_luv/
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Expand Up @@ -574,6 +574,51 @@ module Low_level = struct
Handle.of_luv ~sw sock

module Pipe = struct
type t = [`Stream of [`Pipe]] Handle.t

let init ?for_handle_passing ~sw () =
Luv.Pipe.init ~loop:(get_loop ()) ?for_handle_passing ()
|> or_raise
|> Handle.of_luv ~close_unix:true ~sw

module Process = struct
type t = {
proc : Luv.Process.t;
status : (int * int64) Promise.t;

let pid t = t.proc

let to_parent_pipe ?readable_in_child ?writable_in_child ?overlapped ~fd ~parent_pipe () =
let parent_pipe = Handle.to_luv parent_pipe in
Luv.Process.to_parent_pipe ?readable_in_child ?writable_in_child ?overlapped ~fd ~parent_pipe ()

let await_exit t = Promise.await t.status

let has_exited t = Promise.is_resolved t.status

let send_signal t i = Luv.Process.kill t.proc i |> or_raise

let spawn ?cwd ?env ?uid ?gid ?(redirect=[]) ~sw cmd args =
let status, set_status = Promise.create () in
let hook = ref None in
let on_exit _ ~exit_status ~term_signal =
Option.iter Switch.remove_hook !hook;
Promise.resolve set_status (term_signal, exit_status)
let proc = Luv.Process.spawn ?environment:env ?uid ?gid ~loop:(get_loop ()) ?working_directory:cwd ~redirect ~on_exit cmd args |> or_raise in
if not (Promise.is_resolved status) then (
let h = Switch.on_release_cancellable sw (fun () ->
Luv.Process.kill proc Luv.Signal.sigkill |> or_raise;
ignore (Promise.await status)
) in
hook := Some h
{ proc; status }

module Poll = Poll

let sleep_ms delay =
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64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions lib_eio_luv/eio_luv.mli
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Expand Up @@ -131,6 +131,70 @@ module Low_level : sig
@param sw The handle is closed when [sw] is released, if not closed manually first.
@param close_unix if [true] (the default), calling [close] also closes [fd]. *)

module Stream : sig
type 'a t = [`Stream of 'a] Handle.t

val read_into : [< `Pipe | `TCP | `TTY ] t -> Luv.Buffer.t -> int
(** [read_into handle buf] reads some bytes from [handle] into [buf] returning the number
of bytes read.
@raise End_of_file if there is no more data to read *)

val write : [ `Stream of [< `Pipe | `TCP | `TTY ] ] Handle.t -> Luv.Buffer.t list -> unit
(** [write handle bufs] writes the contents of [bufs] to [handle]. *)

module Pipe : sig
type t = [`Pipe] Stream.t
(** A pipe *)

val init : ?for_handle_passing:bool -> sw:Switch.t -> unit -> t
(** Wraps {!Luv.Pipe.init}*)

module Process : sig
type t
(** A process *)

val pid : t -> int
(** [pid t] returns the process id of [t]. *)

val to_parent_pipe :
?readable_in_child:bool ->
?writable_in_child:bool ->
?overlapped:bool ->
fd:int ->
parent_pipe:Pipe.t ->
unit ->
(** Wraps {!Luv.Process.to_parent_pipe}*)

val await_exit : t -> int * int64
(** [await_exit t] waits for the process [t] to finish.
It returns [(exit_status, term_signal)], see {!Luv.Process.spawn} for
more details on these values. *)

val has_exited : t -> bool
(** [has_exited t] checks if the process [t] has exited or not. *)

val send_signal : t -> int -> unit
(** A wrapper for {!Luv.Process.kill}. *)

val spawn :
?cwd:string ->
?env:(string * string) list ->
?uid:int ->
?gid:int ->
?redirect:Luv.Process.redirection list ->
sw:Switch.t ->
string ->
string list -> t
(** Wraps {!Luv.Process.spawn}.
The process will be stopped when the switch is released if
it has not already exited.*)

(** {1 Eio API} *)
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116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions lib_eio_luv/tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# Set up the test environment

# #require "eio_luv";;
# open Eio.Std;;
# open Eio;;
# module Process = Eio_luv.Low_level.Process;;
module Process = Eio_luv.Low_level.Process

A helper function for reading all of the bytes from a handle.

let read_all handle buf =
let rec read acc =
match Eio_luv.Low_level.Stream.read_into handle buf with
| i -> read (acc + i)
| exception End_of_file -> acc
in read 0

A simple `echo hello` process redirects to stdout.

# @@ fun _env -> @@ fun sw ->
let redirect = Luv.Process.[
inherit_fd ~fd:stdout ~from_parent_fd:stdout ()
] in
let t = Process.spawn ~sw ~redirect "echo" [ "echo"; "hello" ] in
Process.await_exit t;;
- : int * int64 = (0, 0L)

Using a pipe to redirect output to a buffer.

# @@ fun _env -> @@ fun sw ->
let parent_pipe = Eio_luv.Low_level.Pipe.init ~sw () in
let buf = Luv.Buffer.create 32 in
let redirect = Eio_luv.Low_level.Process.[
to_parent_pipe ~fd:Luv.Process.stdout ~parent_pipe ()
] in
let t = Process.spawn ~sw ~redirect "echo" [ "echo"; "Hello,"; "World!" ] in
let read = read_all parent_pipe buf in
let _ = Process.await_exit t in
Luv.Buffer.to_string (Luv.Buffer.sub buf ~offset:0 ~length:read);;
- : string = "Hello, World!\n"

Writing to stdin of a process works.

# @@ fun _env -> @@ fun sw ->
let parent_pipe = Eio_luv.Low_level.Pipe.init ~sw () in
let bufs = [ Luv.Buffer.from_string "Hello!" ] in
let redirect = Luv.Process.[
inherit_fd ~fd:stdout ~from_parent_fd:stdout ();
Process.to_parent_pipe ~fd:stdin ~parent_pipe ()
] in
let t = Process.spawn ~sw ~redirect "head" [ "head" ] in
Eio_luv.Low_level.Stream.write parent_pipe bufs;
Eio_luv.Low_level.Handle.close parent_pipe;
Process.await_exit t;;
- : int * int64 = (0, 0L)

Stopping a process works.

# @@ fun _env -> @@ fun sw ->
let redirect = Luv.Process.[
inherit_fd ~fd:stdout ~from_parent_fd:stdout ()
] in
let t = Process.spawn ~sw ~redirect "sleep" [ "sleep"; "10" ] in
Process.send_signal t Luv.Signal.sigkill;
Process.await_exit t;;
- : int * int64 = (9, 0L)

Forgetting to wait for a process to finish stops the process.

# @@ fun _env ->
let proc = @@ fun sw ->
let redirect = Luv.Process.[
inherit_fd ~fd:stdout ~from_parent_fd:stdout ()
] in
Process.spawn ~sw ~redirect "sleep" [ "sleep"; "10" ]
Process.await_exit proc;;
- : int * int64 = (9, 0L)

Stopping a process interacts nicely with switches.

# @@ fun _env ->
let proc = @@ fun sw ->
let redirect = Luv.Process.[
inherit_fd ~fd:stdout ~from_parent_fd:stdout ()
] in
let t = Process.spawn ~sw ~redirect "sleep" [ "sleep"; "10" ] in
Process.send_signal t Luv.Signal.sigkill;
Process.await_exit proc;;
- : int * int64 = (9, 0L)

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