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Raspberry Pi and server infrastructure for the UCDPV ventilator waveform collection effort


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The UCDPV vent infrastructure is designed to allow anyone to use off the shelf commercial products to set up a fully functional clinical informatics study for collecting of mechanical ventilator data.

In this README installation and usage instructions are provided. It is important to note that experienced, technical users should set the system up, but daily operation can be left to almost anyone, regardless of technical skill.

Hardware Prerequisites

The following components will be necessary before attempting to install the UCDPV vent infrastructure:

  1. A Raspberry Pi device and power cable.
  2. A shielded DB-9 to USB serial null modem cable
  3. An RS-232 optical isolator (if required at institution)
  4. A linux/OSX computer for the user's local machine. If windows absolutely desired, then it must have Cygwin. And even then, ansible is not explicitly supported on windows.
  5. A server to run the clinicalsupervisor. As a note: clinicalsupervisor setup does not need to be performed immediately, and data can be collected without it. However, at scale the clinicalsupervisor is critical.

PB-840 Ventilator Setup

The PB-840 ventilator will need to undergo several steps to enable data output from the RS-232 serial port.

On the PB-840 GUI, on the lower screen, click the icon on the far right side of the screen (Other Screens Icon). Go to the Communication Settings, select "Waveforms" for port 3 and change the following configuration settings to the following values

  1. baud rate: 38400
  2. data bits: 8
  3. parity mode: 0

Software Installion dependencies

Once hardware dependencies are satisfied, and the ventilator is set up, the user will need to begin installing software on their local machine via terminal to set up the RPi devices. First, the user needs to install virtualenv. Using pip this can be done via

pip install virtualenv

Then create a new virtual environment and activate it

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Next navigate to the root directory where is. Run the following command

pip install -e .
python develop

Now all dependent packages should be installed

Raspberry Pi Setup

Via image flashing

The first step in image flashing is to get an SD card reader/writer device. Hook it up to your computer and then insert the raspberry pi's SD card into the device.

You can obtain the image here.

From Debian

From a debian based machine download the image then run the following command

dd if=ucdpv-jessie.img bs=4M of=/dev/sdb

After this remove the SD card from the device and insert it into the raspberry pi to boot.

From OSX

Setup is relatively the same as in Debian based machines here except the of input will be different

dd if=ucdpv-jessie.img bs=4M of=/dev/rdisk2s2

Final configuration

Network Operations and NTP Setup

It is important to note that without a connection to an NTP server ventilator data collection will NOT commence. At UCD, NetOps necessitated the RPi devices be located behind a secure firewall. If this is the case with you after consulting with NetOps then internet access to public NTP servers may not be available. If this is not the pertinent to your institution then this section is unnecessary.

If there are network restrictions present on the wifi network then specific NTP servers will need to be used. Go to /etc/ntp.conf and modify the file so that the NTP server addresses, specific to your institution, are used. Configuration should look like

server <host1 ip addr> iburst
server <host2 ip addr> iburst

The wifi network being used will need to be modified in /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf. Modify the file like so

    ssid=<WiFi SSID>
    psk=<WiFi password>

Then, on the command line, restart the networking service to gain wifi connectivity

sudo service network restart
Final Details

The setup given is sufficient to begin collection of ventilator data, but will not ensure correct operation with the clinicalsupervisor. If you desire compatibility with the clinicalsupervisor then see the details on setting up the clinicalsupervisor and then finalize your installation of the Raspberry Pi's via ansible.

Via Ansible

If you have already setup your raspberry pi using NOOBS or some other tool and want to modify your raspberry pi to collect ventilator data then setup via ansible may be best.


The requirements here are that a wireless network is set up and that the internal network address of this network is known. If the internal network address is not known then you can type in the command


The network address should look something similiar to Here take the first 3 numbers of this address and open the file raspi/

nano raspi/

Now enter the first 3 numbers in the address into the lan_prefix variable name. For example if your address was you would enter lan_prefix = "192.168.1".

Raspberry Pi Initial setup

Since Ansible was installed in previous steps and the provisioning LAN is now setup, plug an ethernet cable from the router into the raspberry pi. Navigate to the raspi/ansible directory

cd raspi/ansible

and modify the file at group_vars/rpis. Here enter the production network's wireless SSID and password. Also enter the network's ntp server host ip addresses. Finally installation can proceed. To install all necessary software

ansible-playbook -u pi --ask-sudo -i inventory/rpi_initial rpi_pre_hostname_install.yml

When prompted for the password enter "raspberry" per standard setup. Now your system will be minimally set up to extract ventilator data. However, they will not be able to interact with the clinicalsupervisor yet. Next steps involve setting up the clinicalsupervisor, and networking your Raspberry Pi's so that they receive DNS addresses.

Raspberry Pi Final Setup

Now that the clinicalsupervisor is set up, the Raspberry Pi's have DNS addresses, and configuration details for the retriever user are finished, you can complete the setup of the Raspberry Pi's. This will change all hostnames on the Raspberry Pi's in accordance with your DNS profile, and will set up SSH links between the clinicalsupervisor and the Raspberry Pi's

ansible-playbook -u pi --ask-sudo -i inventory/<inventory file> rpi_install.yml

Clinicalsupervisor Setup

Activate your virtual environment, navigate to raspi/ansible. Create a new inventory script using inventory/ucd as an example. Input the host DNS name under the [clinicalsupervisor] group.

If the database plugin is desired for use then the installer will need to modify the file group_vars/clinicalsupervisor and the variables database_host and database_password. To ensure these variables stay secret it is highly recommended to use ansible-vault to encrypt this file so that secure information is not gained by unauthorized parties. Information on how to use ansible-vault is located here.

Static DNS

The clinicalsupervisor is able to communicate with the raspberry pi's through either regular or static DNS. If for some reason the raspberry pi's are unable to be listed in an institution DNS server or DNS is spotty then static DNS will need to be used. Static DNS addresses can be provided to the clinicalsupervisor through the group_vars/clinicalsupervisor file. If you are using static DNS but a raspberry pi is not listed, then regular DNS will be used. Static addresses can be added like this:


Restricting SSH Commands

Clinicalsupervisor should only communicate with the Raspberry Pi's via a limited set of commands. As a result 3 new users are set up on the clinicalsupervisor and the Raspberry Pi's: backup, cleaner, and lister.

backup is meant only to backup all data in the /home/pi/Data directory. cleaner is meant to perform deletions of files when necessary, and lister is designed to only list the files in the data directory.

As the sysadmin, you will need to create a passwordless, public/private keypair for the retriever user on the clinicalsupervisor host. You can do this via terminal


Then, take the public key for this key pair and paste it into group_vars/rpis for the retriever_pub_key variable. After pasting the public key it should look like this:

retriever_pub_key: ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQChlZwB1+fMhvqVfP2ZV1pH8kH9rwpTYsBbcvCeLZ/cfeScn91RI3M9eWhdTOWD1O4T5FhgWkCjaVbDqDjKFmknSGXa9NaIicMX8fSUZ7Kda0PvfJBwwtewgS8uzhuxgXG2ltflh11W6c0c1sNI2XaGEZ7LlAE3bbkzP1PWvWCtqC8+s4ZeSNDFE2K0GCJmckbb0xw4CNFoVHj10kCdD1z/vGCV1YKKmUn7WRYL2Rcpw7HIOlprzHPhSgg2rda8GvqN0N8C9pbY+XMLiG0bU+iD8dgtg0h5gBBKNmicHp+SQQdtjlZcBtLYDDhTRI5tAKvpHSFqc8PK+n1WAaMWeY3x retriever@foo

After performing this action you will need to re-update your Raspberry Pi devices with this public key.

Database configuration

Install via playbook

ansible-playbook -i inventory/<inv file name> clinicalsupervisor_install.yml --ask-sudo --sudo


Raspberry Pi

To use the raspberry pis:

  1. get a micro-usb power cable, shielded usb-to-RS232 serial cable, and optical isolator attachement if this device is necessary
  2. Hook optical isolator attachment to primary serial port of PB-840 (if necessary)
  3. Take the raspberry pi to the ventilator and hook the DB-9 cable to serial port 3 of the PB-840 ventilator and the USB side to the RPi.
  4. Power the raspberry pi with the power cable
  5. Ensure the ventilator is currently operating, and displaying waveform data

Once the ventilator is operating, the RPi will attempt to connect to an NTP server.Once connected to NTP, waveform data collection will begin.


There are several pieces of functionality that the clinicalsupervisor utilizes to perform its job.

  1. Listing files
  2. Backing up files
  3. Deleting files
  4. Gather patient data

In each case the clinicalsupervisor asks for an input of the raspberry pi name before continuing. The raspberry pi name is the DNS name for the device on the network. If this has not been created but the pi's are connected to the network and have a static ip address then a static DNS service hosted by the clinicalsupervisor can be used. For details about setting this up go to the section on Static DNS in the installation guide.

Listing files

If the user desires to know the filenames on a raspberry pi then the List button on the top nav bar will allow this.

Backing up files

This will perform a backup of all files currently on the raspberry pi. Use the Backups button on the nav bar for this.

Deleting files

This should only be done if the files in question have been backed up or are owned by a patient not qualified for a study. If this action is completed ALL mechanical waveform files on the raspberry pi will be deleted. Go to Full Clean for this.

Gathering patient data

If you desire to collect all of a patient's mechanical waveform data and store it in a patient unique location then click the Enroll button. First you will be asked to enter the raspberry pi name, after doing this, all files on the pi will be backed up. Then you will be asked to select all files belonging to a specific patient. Do this and input a patient unique identifier. If the identifier is not unique then waveform data from one patient may be confused with waveform data from another. After inputting a unique identifier, all data will be moved to a patient specific folder, and data on the pi will be deleted.


Given you are working in a hospital environment, security will be a concern about any system used. As a result, we have taken steps to harden this system against intrusion. While no security protocol is perfect, the steps outlined, if followed, will ensure your system poses the minimal amount of security risk to the broader hospital infrastructure.

Raspberry Pi Hardening

User Passwords

It is highly advised to change the default user password for the Raspberry Pi's. First, generate a password and hash it, via the steps outlined here. Then go to group_vars/rpis and modify the pi_user_password variable. Since you should not risk exposing a hash publically, encrypt the group_vars/rpis file using ansible-vault.

ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/rpis

Pi Storage

The Raspberry Pi's are generally not vulnerable while they are attached to a patient in the ICU given the amount of monitoring a patient receives there, but may be vulnerable to exploit in an intermediary storage location if located in a common storage area of the hospital. Together with hospital engineering, network, and security teams you must make a conscious determination on what is the best storage procedure for the Pi's.

Pi Networking

Raspberry Pi's should not be networked to communicate with anything via outbound connection. It is advised to perform firewalling at the network level to not allow outbound communications from the RPi's.

PHI Capability

Currently, this system does not have the ability to be used for PHI data. This would require the modification of the system to either perform

  • resting encryption of all data
  • immediate transfer of PHI data to a more secure location

If this capability is desired you are free to modify this software under GPL.

Clinicalsupervisor Hardening


The primary goal here is to ensure that an infection of one of the Raspberry Pi devices does not compromise the clinicalsupervisor where data resides.

  1. Ensure the clinicalsupervisor resides on a health-system monitored server in a datacenter. This ensures only privileged users will have access to the computing device, and links the health of your server to the IT capabilities of your institution
  2. Ensure that the clinicalsupervisor can only accept incoming communications fromapproved IP addresses. Do not allow the RPi's to communicate with the clinicalsupervisor, there is no reason why they should anyways. This whitelisting of IP's can either take place on the host, or the network level.


Security is a deep field, and it is difficult to enumerate all the things necessary to properly secure a server. We have chosen to remove some security details for the clinicalsupervisor like SSH configuration because we believe these things are better left in the hands of the user. If there are any other security details you feel that we've missed pull requests are always welcome :)


Raspberry Pi


The script is the main software that completes the action of pulling data from the PB-840. It begins operation immediately after an NTP server is found and time is accurately updated on the system clock. After this, the software will search for a serial connection, and if one is found, data will be pulled from the Raspberry Pi and saved to a file. If for some reason there is a break in data collection for longer than 10 seconds the current file will be saved, closed, and a new file will be written to to maintain temporal accuracy of our feedforward timestamping mechanism.

This software will run continuously in a loop as long as the RPi is turned on. If no data is available to be pulled, then no data will be written to file.


Raspberry Pi and server infrastructure for the UCDPV ventilator waveform collection effort







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