##DoQmentDB - A Promise-Based DocumentDB Client
DoQmentDB is a tiny layer that provides the simplicity of MongoDB for DocumentDB users(support schema, hooks/middleware, atomic-transactions, udf and more).
##Table of contents:
- Get Started
- Examples
- Changelog
- Database
- Collection
- Queries
- Operations
- Schema
- Atomic Transactions
- Middleware
#Get Started (1) You can install DoQmentDB using 2 different methods:
(2) Add to your project:
var DoqmentDB = require('doqmentdb');
(3) Start Playing with DoqmentDB:
var DoQmentDB = require('doqmentdb');
// Create DocumentDB connection
var connection = new (require('documentdb').DocumentClient)(HOST, OPTIONS);
// Pass connection and database-name, if `test` does not exist it will create one.
var db = new DoQmentDB(connection, 'test');
// Create a CollectionManager instance, if `users` does not exist it will create one.
var users = db.use('users');
// Using schema
// Add hooks(see `users` full example)
users.pre('save', function(next) {
var doc = this;
doc.createdAt = new Date().toString();
// Each http function returns a `Promise` with two specific methods: success and error.
users.create({ name: '6534' })
users.findAndRemove({ isAdmin: false })
Create a DatabaseManager by passing connection
and databaseName
var DoQmentDB = require('doqmentdb');
// Create DocumentDB connection
var connection = new (require('documentdb').DocumentClient)(HOST, OPTIONS);
// if `test` does not exist it will create one
var db = new DoQmentDB(connection, 'test');
Get name and crete new collection in the used db.
Usage: db.create(string)
Aliases: insert
Returns: Object
Return the used database.
Usage: db.getDatabase()
find collection by given object params.
Note: to return all documents, omit params argument or pass an empty object({}).
Usage: db.find(object[optional])
Returns: Array
.then(console.log); // Return all collections
db.find({ id: 'users' })
.then(console.log); // Return collections where id equal to `users`
find collection by given string
Usage: db.findById(string)
Returns: Object
get object properties, search for collection, if it does not exist create one.
Usage: db.findOrCreate(object)
Returns: Object
db.findOrCreate({ name: 'users', id: '#1' })
get collection id as a String
, if it exists - remove it and return undefined
, else return false
Usage: db.remove(string)
Returns: undefined
or Boolean
get collection name and return CollectionManager
Note: if the given collection
does not exist it will create one.
Usage: var coll = db.use(string);
Returns: object
instanceof CollectionManager
var users = db.use('users'); // This operation is not async
Create a CollectionManager by passing to .use
function a collection name.
var users = db.use('users');
console.log(users.constructor.name); // Collection
get object properties, and create new document under the used collection.
Usage: users.create(object)
Aliases: insert
Returns: Object
users.create({ name: 'Ariel', admin: true })
.then(console.log); // { name: 'Ariel', admin: true, id: '8...31', _self: ... }
create a new document under the current collection, or update an existing document with the same id.
Usage: users.createOrUpdate(object)
Aliases: upsert
Returns: Object
users.upsert({ id: 'my_user_id', admin: true })
.then(console.log); // { id: 'my_user_id', admin: true, _self: ... }
return the used collection.
Usage: users.getCollection()
get object properties and return an array of results.
Usage: users.find(object)
Note: to return all collections, omit params argument or pass an empty object({}).
Returns: Array
users.find({ active: true })
get object properties and return the first matching result.
Usage: users.findOne(object)
Returns: Object
users.findOne({ active: true, name: 'Bar' })
find document by giving a string
Usage: users.findById(string)
Returns: Object
get object properties to search, find the equivalents and remove them.
Usage: users.findAndRemove(object)
Returns: Array
Note: if you want atomic-transactions support(i.e: do things concurrently, e.g: distributed system),
you need use this method prefix with $
users.findAndRemove({ name: 'Ariel' })
// Using stored procedure
users.$findAndRemove({ name: 'Ariel' })
// Remove all users
get object properties, and remove the first matching result.
Usage: users.findOneAndRemove(object)
Returns: undefined
or Boolean
Note: if you want atomic-transactions support(i.e: do things concurrently, e.g: distributed system),
you need use this method prefix with $
users.findOneAndRemove({ name: 'Ariel', admin: true })
// Using stored procedure
users.$findOneAndRemove({ name: 'Ariel', admin: true })
get object properties to search, find the equivalents and modify them(extend
Usage: users.findAndModify(object, extend)
Aliases: update
Returns: Array
Note: if you want atomic-transactions support(i.e: do things concurrently, e.g: distributed system),
you need use this method prefix with $
users.update({ name: 'Ariel', admin: true }, { admin: false })
// Push 'a' and 'b' to `list` field(do it concurrently)
['a', 'b'].forEach(function(ch) {
users.$update({}, { list: { $push: ch } });
get object properties and modify(extend
operation) the first matching.
Usage: users.findOneAndModify(object, extend)
Aliases: updateOne
Returns: Object
Note: if you want atomic-transactions support(i.e: do things concurrently, e.g: distributed system),
you need use this method prefix with $
users.findOneAndModify({ admin: false }, { admin: true })
// Using stored procedure
users.$findOneAndModify({ admin: false }, { admin: true })
get object properties, search for document, if it not exist create one.
Usage: users.findOrCreate(object)
Returns: Object
Note: if you want atomic-transactions support(i.e: do things concurrently, e.g: distributed system),
you need use this method prefix with $
users.findOrCreate({ admin: false, name: 'Ariel' })
// Using stored procedure
users.$findOrCreate({ admin: false, name: 'Ariel' })
#Queries ###Operators
- Logical & Conjunctive:
NOT(... OR ...)
- Comparison:
<> or !=
- UDF:
typeof value
new RegExp(...).test(value)
users.find({ a: 1, b: 2, c: '3' })
// ... r WHERE r.a=1 AND r.b=2 AND r.c="3"
users.find({ $or: [{ a: 2, b: 3}, { c: 3 }] })
// ... r WHERE ((r.a=2 AND r.b=3) OR r.c=3)
users.find({ $not: { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } })
// ... r WHERE NOT(r.a=1 AND r.b=2 AND r.c=3)
users.find({ $nor: [ { a: 1 }, { b: 3 }]})
// ... r WHERE NOT(r.a=1 OR r.b=3)
users.find({ $nor: [ { a: 1, b: 1 }, { c: 3 } ] })
// ... r WHERE NOT((r.a=1 AND r.b=1) OR r.c=3)
users.find({ $not: { name: { $gt: 3 }, age: 12 } })
// ... r WHERE NOT(r.name > 3 AND r.age=12)
users.find({ $not: { name: { $ne: 'bar' } } })
// ... r WHERE NOT(r.name <> "bar")
users.find({ $or: [
{ name: { $ne: 'Ariel' } },
{ age: { $lte: 26 } },
{ $and: [
{ isAdmin: { $ne: false } },
{ isUser: { $ne: false } }
// ... r WHERE r.name <> "Ariel" OR r.age <= 26 OR (r.isAdmin <> false AND r.isUser <> false)
users.find({ coins: { $in: 2 } })
// ... r WHERE inUDF(r.coins, 2)
users.find({ $not: { age: { $type: 'number' } } })
// ... r WHERE NOT(typeUDF(r.age, "number"))
When using one of the update operations(e.g: .update()
, .findAndModify()
, etc...), you could use the built-in prototype
functions(based on the type) prefixed with the $
Usage: users.update({ ... }, { keyName: { $method: value } })
Note: value could be single or array of arguments.
// Find all, and push 2 to `arr` field
users.update({}, { arr: { $push: 2 } });
// Suffix all users `name` with #
users.update({}, { name: { $concat: '#' } });
// Trim the name from `foo` to `o`
users.update({ name: 'foo' }, { name: { $substr: [1,1] } });
Manage your documents with schema.
- required
- used for type comparing, (e.g:
, etc..).
- optional
- value fallback
- optional
- regex validation, (e.g: email validation -
- optional
- return message to fields that fail in the validation phase(
). see: example
- optional
by default istrue
, unless you set it tofalse
, it's means that all thefind
operations returns the documents without exposing this fields. see: example
Example using schema:
schema: model.js
module.exports = {
* @field name
* @default no default value
name: {
type: String,
'default': ''
* @field email
* @default no default value
* @regex email, min-length = 10
email: {
type: String,
'default': '',
regex: /^[a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=|/d]{10,}$/,
error: '`email` must be type string, valid email address, and least 10 chars',
expose: true
* @field password
* @default no default value
* @regex password
password: {
type: String,
'default': '',
regex: /^.*(?=.{8,})(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[!#$%&? "]).*$/,
error: '`password` must be type string, contain 8 chars and at least one number, ' +
'one letter and one unique character such as !#$%&? "',
expose: false
* @field isAdmin
* @default false
isAdmin: {
type: Boolean,
'default': false
using schema(model.js
var DoQmentDB = require('doqmentdb');
var model = require('./model'); // Get model/schema
var connection = new (require('documentdb') // Create DocumentDB connection
var db = new DoQmentDB(connection, CONFIG.DB); // Create DBManager 'test'
var users = db.use('users'); // Create CollectionManager 'users'
users.schema(model); // Using schema
users.create({ password: 'Ar2!as_s'})
`email` must be type string, valid email address, and least 10 chars
users.create({ name: 'Ariel', email: 'ariel.com', password: 'Ar2!as_s'})
`email` must be type string, valid email address, and least 10 chars
users.create({ name: 'Ariel', email: 'a8m@gm.com', password: 'Ar2!as_s'})
name: 'Ariel',
email: 'a8m@gm.com',
password: 'Ar2!as_s',
id: '2eb7...c0',
Get all documents but without exposing fields(i.e: omit `password` field)
see: How to architect your models
Middleware/Hooks are executed at the document level(create
, update
, remove/delete
There are two types of middleware, pre and post.
Usage: users.pre(operation, callback)
Note: pre
middleware are executed one after another, when each middleware calls next.
users.pre('save', function(next) {
var doc = this;
doc.createdAt = new Date().toString();
}, function(next) {
var doc = this;
doc.updatedAt = new Date().toString();
// Do something async
users.pre('save', function(next) {
var doc = this;
bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) {
bcrypt.hash(doc.password, salt, function(err, hash) {
doc.password = hash;
// ##Note: the order is important, this example order:
// `createdAt()`, `updatedAT()`, `hash/bcrypt()`, and then the `.create` operation will called
Usage: users.post(operation, callback)
Note: post
middleware are executed in parallel.
users.post('save', function(doc) {
logger(new Date(), doc, 'saved!')
#Atomic Transactions
Since v0.2.6 DoQmentDB supports atomic-transactions using a built-in sporcs(i.e: stored procedures) to handle concurrently well.
Note: To perform some operation this way, you should prefix it with $
Read More: DocumentDB - Atomic Transactions
// Lets take some example of `consuming` from two differents
// Service-Bus queues and update the same `model`/`document`
// Note: This also could happen in a distributed system, when two operations happens in parallel
// We have a `stores` collection that holds the `sales` and the `users`
// fields per `store`(a Document)
// We are using the `atomic` version of `update`, because we don't want to lose data
sbs.receiveQueueMessage('sales', function(msg) {
stores.$update({ id: msg.id }, { sales: { $push: msg.sale } });
// Polling again...
sbs.receiveQueueMessage('users', function(msg) {
stores.$update({ id: msg.id }, { users: { $push: msg.user } });
// ...
- Koa DocumentDB Example - A users CRUD application using Koa and DocumentDB.
- Express DocumentDB Example - Express application using DocumentDB.
#Changelog ##0.2.9
- Schema Fix- issue #26
- Add aliases:
(the conccurent one) - refactor the built-in stored procedure(
Since 0.2.6 DoQmentDB support atomic transactions using DocumentDB stored procedures
Methods that support:
If you want to use one of this methods, you should use them prefix with $
// Push 'a' and 'b' to `list` field(do it concurrently)
['a', 'b'].forEach(function(ch) {
users.$update({}, { list: { $push: ch } });