Captures the ASP.NETCore HTTP Request and converts it as CURL file.
As a back-end developer we would come across with different errors during runtime across multiple environments like QA, Staging, Production etc...In the modern era of micro-services the effort that we put to reproduce the same request and test in our local system has become a tedious process. In order to reduce the effort spent in reproducing a issue we could log the HTTP Request object as a curl request and save the request as files. These files can be pulled back into Postman or any other API testing tools and can be used to reproduce the issue a lot quicker than manually framing it.
Install the package created after the build or install the package via nuget using the following command
Install-Package AspNetCoreCurlMiddleware -Version 1.0.0
in your .NET Project.
Add services needed for the middleware and initialize the parameters needed for the IRequestBuilder. Add the extension methods as part of ConfigureServices and Configure method in Startup.cs
services.AddSaveAsCurlMiddlewareServices(new Middleware.Models.SaveRequestOptions { LogPath = "request", SaveRequest = true });
The SaveRequestOptions carries the input parameters for the curl builder you can customize the curl builder by extending the classes for your needs.
Contributions & ideas for extending the projects are welcome.