Generic wrapper converting data sources from into RDF (N3 and RDF-XML). It uses API call. Data sources are XML files. Also uses Apache Maven
Requirement :
JAVA 1.7
Maven : 2.2
- Eclipse with maven and git plugins installed
- git clone
- cd openDataWrapper/
- mvn eclipse:eclipse
- mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=silk -Dversion=2.5 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=lib/silk/silk.jar (add to repo maven local lib silk lib/silk/silk.jar) (More about silk in
- Open Eclipse, Import the project (import -> General -> existing projects into workspace)
- run from Eclipse
Data (For non-XML-friendly users)
Create a file called import.odw into openDataWrapper folder. You can add data from API. Write into the import.odw file the name of your new data, =, and 4 informations separated by ';' : mydata = api_url;api_url_description;title;publisher Select add new sources in the main menu.
If you are more a more XML friendly, you can add new dataSources directly writing dataSources.xml (more documentation in document.pdf)
Convert data
Select the convert data menu and check the result. The converted files should be in output/ folder.
Exporting your data
Select the Sparql management menu and select the import option. Your dataset will be stored in .openDataWrapper folder. Run fuseki from the menu if you want to expose your data
Running SPARQL requests on your DataSets
Write requests on src/main/resources/queries (1 request per file). Run, then follow the instructions through running queries. Before running a query, you shall load a dataset.
Linking datasets
Run, then follow the instructions through linking datasets. Select datasets to link, separating datasets numbers by a ';'. Result into src/main/resources/output/linkedData folder
Making RDFS inferences
Write you dataset schema into src/main/resources/input/rdfsSchema. Then run and follow the instructions through making RDFS inferences over selected (linked)datasets in relationship with the written schema.
Making OWL inferences
Write you dataset schema into src/main/resources/input/owlSchema. Then run and follow the instructions through making OWL inferences over selected (linked)datasets in relationship with the written schema.