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PJSettings is a small library that extends a PJSIP persistent document interfaces to support:
- read/write xml document non-serially, based on pugixml backend
- read/write json document non-serially, based on jsoncpp backend
Inspite PJSUA2 already has implementation for read/write json documents, PJSUA2 pj::JsonDocument is read and written serially, hence the order of reading must be the same as the order of writing.
This library provides classes capable reading of documents in non-serial way.
For example, you can read pj::LogConfig object from this json document in usual serial way:
"LogConfig": {
"msgLogging": 1,
"level": 5,
"consoleLevel": 4,
"decor": 25328,
"filename": "pjsip.log",
"fileFlags": 0
or you can have just small part of fields, and can reorder them on your own:
"LogConfig": {
"filename": "pjsip.log",
"level": 5,
"consoleLevel": 4
Same xml document will look as
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<LogConfig filename="pjsip.log"
consolelevel="4" />
For more details, please read
This library use great libraries to work well (in alphabetical order):
- catch by Two Blue Cubes Ltd. for unit testing
- jsoncpp by Baptiste Lepilleur for json backend
- pjsip by Benny Prijono and Teluu Inc. for persistent APIs
- pugixml by Arseny Kapoulkine for xml backend
PJSettings library is distributed under MIT license
Copyright (C) 2014, by halex2005
Report bugs and download new versions at
Note that PJSettings library is built on to of PJSUA2 subset of PJSIP library. Please, look at PJSIP license options if you would use PJSettings library.