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Matthew Harrison-Jones edited this page Sep 9, 2013 · 5 revisions

Building a Modal

First you need to define the content in an content related named .hbs file. For example markdown-help.hbs.

In this file place the contents of the modal.

Triggering The Modal

Information comments with a * indicate optional.

Information Modal

this.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.Modal({
    model: {
        options: {
            close: true, // Is the close icon visible
            type: "info", // * The type of modal
            style: ["wide"], // * Additional modal styles
            animation: 'fade' // * The animation effects on the modal
        content: {
            template: 'content-file', // The content file without the extension
            title: 'An appropriate title' // Title displayed in the modal

Action Modal

this.addSubview(new Ghost.Views.Modal({
    model: {
        options: {
            close: false, // Defaults to `false` on Action Modals. Is the close icon visible.
            confirm: {
                accept: {
                    func: function () { // The function called on acceptance
                    text: "Yes" // The accept button text
                reject: {
                    func: function () { // The function called on rejection
                    text: "No" // The reject button text
            type: "action", // * The type of modal
            animation: 'fade'
        content: {
            template: 'content-file', // The content file without the extension
            title: 'An appropriate title' // Title displayed in the modal
  • type: By default either action or info, but others can be specfied in the SCSS by using:
.modal-{{type}} {
    @extend %modal;
  • style: These are extra classes that can be used to add visual styles across the modal. These can be specified in the SCSS by using:
.modal-style-{{style}} {
    @extend %modal;
  • animation: These are animations for the modal to appear with. Currently there is only fade.