Copyright © 2018 Chris Hall
Hexer is a command line tool for generating SVG hex grids.
Check out the project, install any required dependencies, and run
pip install < requirements.txt
./ -h
./ -h
usage: [-h] [-d DPI] [-s {hexes,crowsfeet}] [-o OUTPUT] width height hex_size
# Generate a 1920 x 1440 pixel grid with 50 pixel hexes:
./ 1920 1440 50 -o output.svg
# Generate a 36" x 48" grid with 2" hexes, at 150 DPI:
./ 36 48 2 -d 150 -o output.svg
# Generate a grid with crowsfeet instead of hexes:
./ 36 48 2 -d 150 -s crowsfeet -o output.svg
This program is distributed under the MIT license.