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This repository hosts code for the php plugin component to

PHP scanner

Creates a file called phpScanner.json that contains information about licenses by using composer.

Before running: replace the uppercase placeholders in the config.json with the data that should be displayed in the result JSON file.

Run: phpScanner.php --sourcedir=<path/to/scanned/folder> --outputdir=<path/to/output/folder>

Docker container

This component comes with a docker container that allows you to scan arbitrary php applications or libraries

Download and installation

  • Clone this repository
  • Switch to the containers folder.
  • Build the docker image with docker build -t php-scanner .
  • (Optional) Create mountable folders for source and output with mkdir source and mkdir output. Note: you can place these folders anywhere in your filesystem.
  • (Optional) Clone the repository to be scanned into the source folder

Run the scanner

To run the scanner, use this command from the repository root folder:

sudo docker run -e USE_DEFAULT_REPO=0 -v $PWD/source:/source -v $PWD/output:/output php-scanner

The source folder needs to be mounted as /source. The folder where the phpScanner.json output file should go needs to be mounted as /output.

For testing reasons, you can switch on a default repo with -e USE_DEFAULT_REPO=1. Then, a standard repository is cloned and analyzed.

After a successful test run, you should find a file phpScanner.json in your output folder.


This repository hosts code for the php plugin component to






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