Material custom Dialog
Its basic alert dialog with 3 buttons positive buttton negitive button neutrall button success and failure images in alert dialog
How you can you this Lib: import the jar file or add import in your project, sync your project, Minimum version is 21 API and max is 32
Code Lab sample:
/*.. string value for in capital words or use my lib constant object Constants
use this for image in dialog.. const val SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" const val FAILURE = "FAILURE" const val DEFAULT = "DEFAULT" ..*/
MaterialDialog.Builder(this).apply {
setTitle("Pop-Up Title")
setMessage("Message goes here")
setPositiveButton("Blue Button") {
Log.e("TAG", "Positive")
setNegativeButton("Red Button") {
Log.e("TAG", "Negative")
setNeutralButton("Gray Button") {
Log.e("TAG", "Neutral")
To use this lib:- implementation 'com.github.hamzaali6307:Material-Dialog-:1.0'
repositories { maven { url '' } }
This library is basic for alert dialog to learn abooutt creating custom own lllibraries, As i am working on SDK's in my working enviroment for so long for hardware testing for Mobile. This time i plan to create libraries and upload it publically for other developer to use it, so i can contribute in mobile side development Please view this llibrary and share your more suggestions to improve it
Thanks: Hamza ali