Genetic solver written in Python
import genetic
best = genetic.getBest(get_fitness, display, minLen, optimalFitness,
geneSet=None, createGene=None, maxLen=None,
customMutate=None, customCrossover=None)
an Individual with attributes:
- Genes: list of genes
- Fitness: fitness value for those genes
- Strategy: strategy that produced the gene sequence (mutate, crossover, or random)
- get_fitness: takes a list of genes and returns an integer value representing how close that particular candidate comes to the optimal solution. Higher values are better.
- display: takes an Individual. Called to provide visual output of better candidates as they are discovered.
- minLen: minimum valid length for an Individual's genes.
- maxLen: optional maximum valid length for an Individual's genes. Defaults to minLen.
- optimalFitness: expected fitness value for the best solution.
- geneSet: optional list of gene values for generating new gene sequences. If not provided, createGene must be provided.
- createGene: optional function to create a random gene. Called with the gene sequence index into which it will be placed, and the length of that gene sequence. If not provided, geneSet must be provided.
- customMutate: optional replacement for the built in mutate function. Called with the new child genes. Changes should be made to the child genes.
- customCrossover: optional replacement for the built in crossover function. Called with the new child genes, and a copy of a second parent's genes. Changes should be made to the child genes.
- - duplicates a string, see related blog post
- - solves the 8 Queens Puzzle, see related blog post
- - 4-coloring maps, see related blog post
The following sample projects included in this repository work but no longer have a related blog post because I've changed my implementation approach.
- - equation discovery
- - generating OR and XOR with only AND and NOT
The code and examples in ths repository work as is and you are welcome to use them. In late 2015 I restarted from scratch with a slower feature progression to resolve some performance issues with more advanced genetic programming topics. That has evolved into an e-book entitled Genetic Algorithms with Python that I'm writing on Leanpub. Try the sample chapter.