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Jakarta EE MVC Sample

Compile and build

NOTE: The source codes is updated to Jakarta EE 10, and tested on GlassFish 7.0.0.M10 and WildFly Preview 27.0.0.Final. OpenLiberty support will be added in future when it gets complete support of Jakarta EE 10.

The Jakarta EE 8 based codes was archived and also tagged with v1.0 tag.

As an alternative of Jakarta Faces which is used to build web UI with components, Jakarta EE MVC spec is similar with the transactional MVC framework, such as Apache Struts, Spring MVC, etc. which provides capability for building action-based web applications.

In this sample application, we will build a web application with Jakarta MVC specification. Jakarta MVC is based on the existing JAX-RS specs, it reuses the JAX-RS APIs, and add some additional APIs to the specific action features.

Eclipse Krazo is the reference implementation of Jakarta MVC, it supports the following JAXRS platforms.

  • Jersey (Glassfish/Payara)
  • Resteasy( Wildfly)
  • Apache CXF MVC 2.0 remove CXF support.




  1. Clone a copy of the source codes.

    git clone
  2. Run on Glassfish, Wildfly or Open Liberty.

    mvn clean package cargo:run -pglassfish
    mvn clean wildfly:run -Pwildfly
    mvn clean liberty:create dependency:copy liberty:run -Popenliberty
