A new learning based method to estimate depth from unconstrained monocular videos without ground truth supervision. The core contribution lies in Region Deformer Networks (RDN) for modeling various forms of object motions by the bicubic function. More details can be found in our paper:
Region Deformer Networks for Unsupervised Depth Estimation from Unconstrained Monocular Videos
Any questions or discussions are welcomed!
The parameters of the bicubic function are learned by our proposed Region Deformer Network (RDN).
The code is developed with Python 3.6 and TensorFlow 1.2.0. For conda users (anaconda or miniconda), we have provided an environment.yml
file, you can install with the following command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
You need to download KITTI raw dataset first, then the raw data is processed with the following three steps:
Generate training data
python prepare.py \ --dataset_dir /path/to/kitti/raw/data \ --dump_root /path/to/save/processed/data \ --gen_data
Instance segmentation
When training with our motion model, the instance segmentation mask is needed. We use an open source Mask R-CNN implementation to generate the segmentation mask. The raw output by Mask R-CNN is saved as lossless
format (with shape [H, W, 3], the same value is used for all three channels, 0 for background and 1-255 for different instances). We name the raw output asX-raw-fseg.png
, e.g. for image filetest.png
, you should save its segmentation astest-raw-fseg.png
. -
Align segments across frames
As the raw segments are not temporally consistent, we need to align them to make the same object have same instance id across frames.
python prepare.py \ --dump_root /path/to/processed/data \ --align_seg
You need to download image sequence leftImg8bit_sequence_trainvaltest.zip
and calibration file camera_trainvaltest.zip
from Cityscapes website (registration is needed to download the data), then the data is processed with the following three steps:
Generate training data
python prepare.py \ --dataset cityscapes \ --dataset_dir /path/to/cityscapes/data \ --dump_root /path/to/save/processed/data \ --gen_data
Instance segmentation
Same as KITTI.
Align segments across frames
python prepare.py \ --dataset cityscapes \ --dump_root /path/to/processed/data \ --align_seg
Detailed training commands for reproducing our results are provided below. Every time you run, the command and flags will be saved to checkpoint_dir/command.txt
and checkpoint_dir/flags.json
to track experiments history.
python train.py \ --logtostderr \ --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/kitti-baseline \ --data_dir /path/to/processed/kitti/data \ --imagenet_ckpt /path/to/pretrained/resnet18/model \ --seg_align_type null
python train.py \ --logtostderr \ --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/kitti-motion \ --data_dir /path/to/processed/kitti/data \ --handle_motion \ --pretrained_ckpt /path/to/pretrained/baseline/model \ --learning_rate 2e-5 \ --object_depth_weight 0.5
python train.py \ --logtostderr \ --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/cityscapes-baseline \ --data_dir /path/to/processed/cityscapes/data \ --imagenet_ckpt /path/to/pretrained/resnet18/model \ --seg_align_type null \ --smooth_weight 0.008
python train.py \ --logtostderr \ --checkpoint_dir checkpoints/cityscapes-motion \ --data_dir /path/to/processed/cityscapes/data \ --handle_motion \ --pretrained_ckpt /path/to/pretrained/baseline/model \ --learning_rate 2e-5 \ --object_depth_weight 0.5 \ --object_depth_threshold 0.5 \ --smooth_weights 0.008
The trained models for KITTI and Cityscapes dataset are available at Google Drive.
Inference can be running on an image list file (for evaluation) or an image directory (for visualization).
python inference.py \
--logtostderr \
--depth \
--input_list_file dataset/test_files_eigen.txt \
--output_dir output/ \
--model_ckpt /path/to/trained/model/ckpt
python inference.py \
--logtostderr \
--depth \
--input_dir /path/to/cityscapes/data/directory \
--output_dir output/cityscapes \
--model_ckpt /path/to/trained/model/ckpt \
--not_save_depth_npy \
--inference_crop cityscapes
You can use the pack_pred_depths
function in utils.py
to generate a single depth prediction file for evaluation. We also make our depth prediction results on KITTI Eigen test split available at Google Drive.
Standard evaluation protocol on KITTI Eigen test split to compare with previous methods.
python evaluate.py \
--kitti_dir /path/to/kitti/raw/data \
--pred_file /path/to/depth/prediction/file
We also evaluate on specific objects to highlight the performance gains brought by our proposed RDN, which is realized by using the segmentation masks from Mask R-CNN. The segmentation masks for people and cars used in our paper are available at Google Drive.
python evaluate.py \
--kitti_dir /path/to/kitti/raw/data \
--pred_file /path/to/depth/prediction/file \
--mask people \
--seg_dir /path/to/eigen/test/split/segments
The evaluation results on people and cars of KITTI Eigen test split are as follows. If you want to compare with our results, please make sure to use the same object segmentation masks with us.
If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing our paper:
title={Region Deformer Networks for Unsupervised Depth Estimation from Unconstrained Monocular Videos},
author={Xu, Haofei and Zheng, Jianmin and Cai, Jianfei and Zhang, Juyong},
The code is inspired by struct2depth, we thank Vincent Casser and Anelia Angelova for clarifying the details of their work.