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Raster Editing

Haoliang Yu edited this page Sep 16, 2015 · 1 revision

The Raster Editor provides handy manual value editing function for raster layer in ArcMap.

Current version: 0.1.3

Start Editing

  • start the editing section at the Start Editor menu by clicking Start Editing button. You can only edit one raster layer at one time. If there are more than one raster layers in ArcMap, there will be a prompt-up window to let you choose one.

Select Layer

Note: While starting an editing section, the ArcMap may lose response for a second.


  • Click the Select & Edit button to activate the tool.

  • Click or drag a region of interest on the layer to selected pixels. All selected pixels will be highlighted on the map with a blue frame. Noted that selecting too much pixels may lead to crash of ArcMap.


  • Edit values of selected pixel at the Raster Edit Window. All edits will be highlighted on the map with a yellow symbol.


Make sure your input value is compatible with the pixel type of the raster layer. Any pixel left blank will be considered as NoData Pixel.

More Options

More editing options are provided at the Options button. These following tools enable you to edit the whole ROI or customized region rapidly:

  • Edit Selected Pixels
  • Edit All Pixels
  • Clear Selected Edits
  • Clear All Edits

Save and Stop

  • Save edits to the raster file using Save Edits button on the Raster Editor menu. If you want to save edits to a new file, click the Save Edits As button. You will see the change of layer right after refreshing the map.


It may take two or three seconds to save into file, so do not close the ArcMap immediately after saving edits.

  • Stop the editing section by clicking Stop Editing button.

Be careful that stop editing will discard all edits that have not been saved and exit the editing mode. If the editing layer is removed from the ArcMap, the editing will immediately stop.

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