This repository is a copy from the ECSE 321 Intro to Software Engineering Group Project. The original project repository was set to private access.
Hi everyone, welcome to our group 1 repo. Our group consists of 5 passionate and enthusiastic Software and Computer Engineering students.
This projects would demonstrate our comprehension on software system and development. The term-long projects is evenly distributed into 5 deliverables respectively:
Frontend Heroku:
Backend Heroku for testing the frontend: (For deliverable 3, we made up some data which are retrieved from other view points.)
Backend Heroku for running backend tests:
Deliverable1-- requirement model, domain model, persistence layer, building system, continous integration.
Names | Team roles and responsiblities | Personal Contribution in hours |
Wenhao Geng | Project Manager: is responsible for the integration of the project, test suite of the persistence. | 32 hrs |
Yuhang Zhang | Software engineer: is responsible for the database design, and the test suite of the persistence. | 30 hrs |
Zheyu Liu | Software engineer:is reponsible for the domain model design, and use case diagram. |
30 hrs |
Mai Zeng | Software engineer:is responsible for the build system, and the test suite of the database. |
30 hrs |
Haowei Qiu | Software engineer: is responsible for the implementation of the domain model. |
30 hrs |
Additionally, each team member is responsible for one detailed use case description, and one team member is responsible for the group report for each meeting.
Name | Team roles | Personal Contribution in hours |
Wenhao Geng | Software Lead | 33 hrs |
Mai Zeng | Software Engineer | 32 hrs |
Zheyu Liu | Software Engineer | 32 hrs |
Yuhang Zhang | Software Engineer | 29 hrs |
Haowei Qiu | Software Engineer | 31 hrs |
Backend database host:
We implemented the backend and the evolution of the persistence layer. We also updated the project wiki to describe the restful services.
The software quality assurance plan and its report.
Unit tests of the backend for every class.
Integration tests of the backend service.(We used PostMan and Advanced REST client to test the restful API)
The build system, continuous integration and deliverary.
The project report of the deliverable 2 is added. The issue in the deliverable 2 are updated.
Individual contributions to implement the controller class and dto classes: (Each team member is responsible for 1 || 2 features)
Name | Feature Responsibility | Dto Responsibility | Other Responsibilities |
Zheyu Liu | Signing up, Logging | "School"; "Student" dtoes | Reponsible for constructing the convertTo()(for the student and school, other methods related to these two features. |
Wenhao Geng Mai Zeng | Sending tutorial request | "Room"; "Session"; "Bill" dtoes | Responsible for constructing TutorialRequestRestController which includes createTutorialSessionDto(), createRegistrationDto(), and createTutorialBillDto() as post mapping for Restful API call. |
Haowei Qiu | Search courses, Search tutors | "Subject"; "Tutor"; "Course" dtoes | Responsible for constructing the search courses and search tutors feature in the searchActionRestController, as well as the implementation of TutorDto, SubjectDto and CourseDto. |
Yuhang Zhang | Providing feedback, Seach feedback | "Registration"; "Feedback" dtoes | Responsible for constructing createStudentFeedback(); getTutorFeedback(); getAllStudentFeedbacks() and 2 convertToDto() functions. |
Name | Unit Tesing Responsibilities | RESTful Service Testing Responsibilities |
Zheyu Liu | Testing the updated school service and student service | Testing the RESTful controller createSchool, create Student, getAllSchools, getSchoolByName with PostMan. |
Haowei Qiu | Testing the updated subject service, tutor service and course service | Testing the RESTful controller createCourse and getCourseByName with Advanced REST client. |
Wenhao Geng | Testing the updated registration service and room service | Testing the RESTful controller with PostMan. |
Yuhang Zhang | Testing the updated Bill service and Feedback service | Testing the RESTful controller createFeedback, getAllFeedback with Advanced REST client. |
Mai Zeng | Testing the update Session service | Testing the RESTful controller of createBill and createSession with Postman. |
Zheyu Liu Responsible for the, software assuance and quality report, and the group report 2.
Wenhao Geng Responsible for creating the API service call documentation. (Available in Wiki.)
Haowei Qiu Responsible for updating Group Report (Available in Wiki) and
Yuhang Zhang Responsible for updating the
Mai Zeng Responsible for software assurance and quality report.
Deliverable3-- Architecture modelling, implementation of frontend, integration of frontend and backend, build system and integration system(including the heroku for the frontend), and group management.
Name | Team roles | Personal Contribution in hours |
Wenhao Geng | Software Lead | 40 hrs |
Mai Zeng | Software Engineer | 35 hrs |
Zheyu Liu | Software Engineer | 35 hrs |
Yuhang Zhang | Software Engineer | 35 hrs |
Haowei Qiu | Software Engineer | 35 hrs |
Frontend Heroku:
Backend Heroku for testing the frontend: (For deliverable 3, we made up some data which are retrieved from other view points.)
Backend Heroku for running backend tests:
Name | Frontend and relevant controller methods responsibilities |
Zheyu Liu | Implementation of the Sign up and Login Page. Update the restful controller method for the school and student.(Add getStudentPassword, and modified the createStudent from last deliverable) |
Haowei Qiu | Implementation of the Homepage, Homepagecourse and Homepagetutor. |
Wenhao Geng | Implementation of the tutor info page, merge all pages implemented and deploy frontend to Heroku. |
Yuhang Zhang | Implementation of the student profile page. Update TutoriaRequlestRestController and FeedbackRestController. |
Mai Zeng | Implementation of the tutor info page. Implementation of the student profile page. Modified create sessions in the babckend. Implement create registration for the frontend. |
Name | Documentation Responsibilities |
Zheyu Liu | In charge of finishing group report and create testing document. |
Haowei Qiu | In charge of updating README for deliverable 3. |
Wenhao Geng | In charge of modifying testing document. |
Mai Zeng | In charge of Architecture modelling document. |
Testing document for deliverable 3:
Architecture Model:
Group report for deliverable:
Name | Team roles | Personal Contribution in hours |
Wenhao Geng | Software Lead | 20 hrs |
Mai Zeng | Software Engineer | 24 hrs |
Zheyu Liu | Software Engineer | 18 hrs |
Yuhang Zhang | Software Engineer | 18 hrs |
Haowei Qiu | Software Engineer | 18 hrs |
User documentation:
Group Report:
Extra features:
Frontend Heroku:
Backend Heroku for testing the frontend: (For deliverable 3, we made up some data which are retrieved from other view points.)
Backend Heroku for running backend tests:
Name | Frontend and relevant controller methods responsibilities |
Zheyu Liu | Implement of the Login and update the related controller methods. |
Haowei Qiu | Implement of the Tutorial request and update the related controller methods.. |
Wenhao Geng | Implement of the Search tutor and update the related controller methods.. |
Yuhang Zhang | Implement of the Feedback and update the related controller methods.. |
Mai Zeng | Set up the Android project and the integration of all pages and update the related controller methods.. |
Name | Documentation Responsibilities |
Zheyu Liu | In charge of Readme, group report. |
Haowei Qiu | In charge of User Documentation. |
Wenhao Geng | In charge of Group Report. |
Mai Zeng | In charge of Readme. |