Frontend and backend of the Parlament app.
- Use node 16.20.0-lts
- Please work on your features in separate branches, and create a new Pull request when you want to merge to main branch.
- If PR has significant changes, please request approval from the core team.
- Try to keep PR small and single Purpose.
- Don't push code without ensuring it is working properly
- Firebase
- Node/Express
- React
The project is based on Firebase thus takes the repo structure from Google's Firebase best practices.
- Backend is located under
and has a seperatepackage.json
. It is an Express app built on top of Firebase cloud functions. - Frontend is located under
and is a React app which is hosted via Firebase hosting service.
- make sure you are running on node16.20.0-lts
- install firebase tools globally
npm install -g firebase-tools
- you should make sure you are added to haparlament project on firebase and receive required credentials.
- run
firebase init emulators
- pickhaparlament
as the project, and answer all other questions with suggested values.
From functions
Local development:
npm install
npm run serve
npm run deploy
From the root folder:
Local development:
npm install
npm start
- Go to
branch andgit pull
npm run build && firebase deploy --only hosting
- Go to