Sometimes you need for an easy way to start your PHP project with a full set of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Destroy) functions. With this script you can CRUD your database in few seconds, with the binding security to avoid the most part of SQL injection.
- Simplified and reduced codes
- Add constants to set the db connection instead array
- Readme completed
- renamed functions
- deleted unused functions
- rewrited examples
- added mysqli_create_database($database_name) -> easily create a database
- added mysqli_easy_query($query) -> any unbinded query
- added mysqli_delete_data($query)
- added +mysqli_create_table($query)
- First Stable release
- mysqli_easy_query (for all unsecure queries, like: ALTER, DROP, CREATE TABLE)
- mysqli_create_database (for CREATE DATABASE query)
- mysqli_write (for INSERT or UPDATE query)
- mysqli_read (for SELECT query)
- mysqli_verify_connection (to check the db connection)
- Replace 'localhost' with your hostname or IP address
- Replace 'database_name' with your.
- Replace 'your_db_username' with the username which have access and privileges to operate on database
- Replace 'your_db_passwrd' with the username relative password.
define('HOST', 'localhost');
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name');
define('DB_USER', 'your_db_username');
define('DB_PASS', 'your_db_password');
If you need for debug information, while testing the queries, you can replace 'return false' with 'return true'.
function hw_debug() {
//Set to TRUE if you need debug output
return false;
All functions return TRUE if query was executed without errors, else they will return FALSE
EXAMPLE 1: Simple ALTER TABLE to ADD one column (datatype)
$query = "ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name integer";
$execute_query = mysqli_easy_query($query);
$database_name = "books";
$execute_query = mysqli_create_database($database_name);
EXAMPLE 1: With values in array.
$values = array("foo1","foo2");
$query = "UPDATE table_name SET campo1=?, campo2=? WHERE id=21";
$execute_query = mysqli_write($values, $query);
EXAMPLE 2: No array, direct values in query
$execute_query = mysqli_write(array("valore1","valore2"), "INSERT INTO table_name (campo1, campo2) VALUES (?,?)");
Explanation of $values array indexes:
EXAMPLE 1: With values in array
$query = "SELECT id, campo1, campo2 FROM table_name";
$values = mysqli_read($query);
EXAMPLE 2: No array, direct values in query
$values = mysqli_read("SELECT id, campo1, campo2 FROM table_name");
HOW TO READ single row from $values
$id = $values[1][1];
$campo1 = $values[1][2];
$campo2 = $values[1][3];
echo "$id, $campo1, $campo2";
HOW TO READ multiple rows $values
$n_row = count($values);
while ($curr_row <= $n_row) {
$id = $values[$curr_row][1];
$campo1 = $values[$curr_row][2];
$campo2 = $values[$curr_row][3];
echo "$id, $campo1, $campo2 <br>";
Remember to use single quotes when you make your queries: For example if you have a variable like:
$name = "foo";
$values = mysqli_read("SELECT id FROM table_name WHERE name='$name'"); //is correct
$values = mysqli_read("SELECT id FROM table_name WHERE name=$name"); //is wrong