dircrawl leverages python's os.walk and supports a set of operations during traversal
crawl -h
usage: crawl [-h] -d DIRECTORY [-sf SNAPSHOT_FILE] [-sh SNAPSHOT_HANDLER]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Directory path to traverse
-sf SNAPSHOT_FILE, --snapshot-file SNAPSHOT_FILE
Snapshot file path
Import path of snapshot handler class
Import path of transformer class
-p, --progress Show progress bar
If a snapshot file and snapshot handler is specified, dircrawler will compare current directory tree with snapshot information and return state of a file.
State can be one of
- ADDED (file present and not listed in snapshot)
- REMOVED (file not present and listed in snapshot)
- MODIFIED (file present and listed in snapshot, current mod timestamp < mod timestamp in snapshot)
- UNCHANGED (file present and listed in snapshot, same mod timestamps
- UNKNOWN (file present and listed in snapshot, current mod timestamp < mod timestamp in snapshot)
Snapshot handlers are classes extending AbstractSnapshotHandler and implementing their own parse() method. The expected result of parse() is a tuple of filepath and SnapshotState object Currently, dircrawler only supports snapshot handlers accepting a filepath as an argument to the parse() method
Here are the snapshot handlers which come along with dircrawler:
- WhiteSpaceSeparatedSnapshotHandler - Parses file states from a file having values split by whitespaces
If a transformer is specified, dircrawler will return transformed output from the transformer implementation.
Transformers are classes extending AbstractTransformer and implementing their own transform() method. The expected result of transform() is a string representing the transformation. Currently, dircrawler only supports transformers accepting a filepath as an argument to the transform() method
Here are the transformers which come along with dircrawler:
- MD5Transformer - Computes MD5 hash of a file
- FirstLineTransformer - Gets the first line of a file
Note: Both snapshot handlers and transformers are meant to be pluggable, meaning you plug in your own classes as long as they implement the required method. One way to ensure compatibility is to have your classes extend and implement the appropriate abstract class
First, create a virtualenv and activate it
Checkout the project and pip install it in your virtual env
dircrawler> pip install .
Run tests
dircrawler> python setup.py test
Run the crawler
crawl -d /some/dir -p -sf /some/snapshot.txt -sh dircrawler.snapshot_handlers.WhiteSpaceSeparatedSnapshotHandler -t dircrawler.transformers.FirstLineTransformer
Example of a snapshot file:
/dev/dircrawler/dircrawler/__init__.py 1477983600
/dev/dircrawler/dircrawler/test.py 1480647250
Note: Modified timestamps stored in snapshot files are assumed to be in UTC