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feat: provide noKernel mode
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hargoniX committed Jan 29, 2025
1 parent 7153572 commit 6f223f6
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Showing 4 changed files with 184 additions and 78 deletions.
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions Leanwuzla/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.Frontend.BVDecide

open Lean

private partial def getIntrosSize (e : Expr) : Nat :=
go 0 e
go (size : Nat) : Expr → Nat
| .forallE _ _ b _ => go (size + 1) b
| .mdata _ b => go size b
| _ => size

Introduce only forall binders and preserve names.
def _root_.Lean.MVarId.introsP (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM (Array FVarId × MVarId) := do
let type ← mvarId.getType
let type ← instantiateMVars type
let n := getIntrosSize type
if n == 0 then
return (#[], mvarId)
mvarId.introNP n

structure Context where
acNf : Bool
parseOnly : Bool
timeout : Nat
input : String
maxSteps : Nat
disableAndFlatten : Bool
disableEmbeddedConstraintSubst : Bool
disableKernel : Bool

abbrev SolverM := ReaderT Context MetaM

namespace SolverM

def getParseOnly : SolverM Bool := return (← read).parseOnly
def getInput : SolverM String := return (← read).input
def getKernelDisabled : SolverM Bool := return (← read).disableKernel

def getBVDecideConfig : SolverM Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.Frontend.BVDecideConfig := do
let ctx ← read
return {
timeout := ctx.timeout
acNf := ctx.acNf
embeddedConstraintSubst := !ctx.disableEmbeddedConstraintSubst
andFlattening := !ctx.disableAndFlatten
maxSteps := ctx.maxSteps
structures := false,

def run (x : SolverM α) (ctx : Context) (coreContext : Core.Context) (coreState : Core.State) :
IO α := do
let (res, _, _) ← x ctx |> (Meta.MetaM.toIO · coreContext coreState)
return res

end SolverM
88 changes: 88 additions & 0 deletions Leanwuzla/NoKernel.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
import Leanwuzla.Basic

open Lean Std.Sat Std.Tactic.BVDecide
open Elab.Tactic.BVDecide
open Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.Frontend

def runSolver (cnf : CNF Nat) (solver : System.FilePath) (lratPath : System.FilePath)
(trimProofs : Bool) (timeout : Nat) (binaryProofs : Bool) :
CoreM (Except (Array (Bool × Nat)) (Array LRAT.IntAction)) := do
IO.FS.withTempFile fun cnfHandle cnfPath => do
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Serializing SAT problem to DIMACS file") do
-- lazyPure to prevent compiler lifting
cnfHandle.putStr (← IO.lazyPure (fun _ => cnf.dimacs))

let res ←
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Running SAT solver") do
External.satQuery solver cnfPath lratPath timeout binaryProofs
if let .sat assignment := res then
return .error assignment

let lratProof ←
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Obtaining LRAT certificate") do
LratCert.load lratPath trimProofs

return .ok lratProof

def decideSmtNoKernel (type : Expr) : SolverM UInt32 := do
let solver ←
let g := (← Meta.mkFreshExprMVar type).mvarId!
let (_, g) ← g.introsP
trace[] m!"Working on goal: {g}"
g.withContext $ IO.FS.withTempFile fun _ lratPath => do
let cfg ← SolverM.getBVDecideConfig
match ← Normalize.bvNormalize g cfg with
| some g =>
let bvExpr := (← <| reflectBV g).bvExpr

let entry ←
withTraceNode `bv (fun _ => return "Bitblasting BVLogicalExpr to AIG") do
-- lazyPure to prevent compiler lifting
IO.lazyPure (fun _ => bvExpr.bitblast)
let aigSize :=
trace[] s!"AIG has {aigSize} nodes."

let (cnf, map) ←
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Converting AIG to CNF") do
-- lazyPure to prevent compiler lifting
IO.lazyPure (fun _ =>
let (entry, map) := entry.relabelNat'
let cnf := Std.Sat.AIG.toCNF entry
(cnf, map)

let res ←
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Obtaining external proof certificate") do
runSolver cnf solver lratPath cfg.trimProofs cfg.timeout cfg.binaryProofs

match res with
| .ok cert =>
let certFine ←
withTraceNode `sat (fun _ => return "Verifying LRAT certificate") do
-- lazyPure to prevent compiler lifting
IO.lazyPure (fun _ => LRAT.check cert cnf)
if certFine then
logInfo "unsat"
return (0 : UInt32)
logInfo "Error: Failed to check LRAT cert"
return (1 : UInt32)
| .error assignment =>
logInfo "sat"
return (0 : UInt32)
| none =>
logInfo "unsat"
return (0 : UInt32)
catch e =>
-- TODO: improve handling of sat cases. This is a temporary workaround.
let message ← e.toMessageData.toString
if message.startsWith "None of the hypotheses are in the supported BitVec fragment" then
-- We fully support SMT-LIB v2.6. Getting the above error message means
-- the goal was reduced to `False` with only `True` as an assumption.
logInfo "sat"
return (0 : UInt32)
logError m!"Error: {e.toMessageData}"
return (1 : UInt32)
113 changes: 36 additions & 77 deletions Main.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,67 +1,15 @@
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.Frontend.BVDecide
import Lean.Language.Lean
import Cli

import Leanwuzla.Parser
import Leanwuzla.Basic
import Leanwuzla.NoKernel

open Lean

private partial def getIntrosSize (e : Expr) : Nat :=
go 0 e
go (size : Nat) : Expr → Nat
| .forallE _ _ b _ => go (size + 1) b
| .mdata _ b => go size b
| _ => size

Introduce only forall binders and preserve names.
def _root_.Lean.MVarId.introsP (mvarId : MVarId) : MetaM (Array FVarId × MVarId) := do
let type ← mvarId.getType
let type ← instantiateMVars type
let n := getIntrosSize type
if n == 0 then
return (#[], mvarId)
mvarId.introNP n

def parseSmt2File (path : System.FilePath) : MetaM Expr := do
let query ← IO.FS.readFile path
ofExcept (Parser.parseSmt2Query query)

structure Context where
acNf : Bool
parseOnly : Bool
timeout : Nat
input : String
maxSteps : Nat
disableAndFlatten : Bool
disableEmbeddedConstraintSubst : Bool

abbrev SolverM := ReaderT Context MetaM

namespace SolverM

def getParseOnly : SolverM Bool := return (← read).parseOnly
def getInput : SolverM String := return (← read).input

def getBVDecideConfig : SolverM Elab.Tactic.BVDecide.Frontend.BVDecideConfig := do
let ctx ← read
return {
timeout := ctx.timeout
acNf := ctx.acNf
embeddedConstraintSubst := !ctx.disableEmbeddedConstraintSubst
andFlattening := !ctx.disableAndFlatten
maxSteps := ctx.maxSteps

def run (x : SolverM α) (ctx : Context) (coreContext : Core.Context) (coreState : Core.State) :
IO α := do
let (res, _, _) ← x ctx |> (Meta.MetaM.toIO · coreContext coreState)
return res

end SolverM

open Elab in
def decideSmt (type : Expr) : SolverM UInt32 := do
Expand All @@ -86,37 +34,41 @@ def decideSmt (type : Expr) : SolverM UInt32 := do
logError m!"Error: {e.toMessageData}"
return (1 : UInt32)
let value ← instantiateExprMVars mv
let r := (← getEnv).addDecl (← getOptions) (.thmDecl { name := ← Lean.mkAuxName `thm 1, levelParams := [], type, value })
match r with
| .error e =>
logError m!"Error: {e.toMessageData (← getOptions)}"
return 1
| .ok env =>
setEnv env
Lean.addDecl (.thmDecl { name := ← Lean.mkAuxName `thm 1, levelParams := [], type, value })
logInfo "unsat"
return 0
catch e =>
logError m!"Error: {e.toMessageData}"
return 1

def typeCheck (e : Expr) : SolverM UInt32 := do
let defn := .defnDecl {
name := ← Lean.mkAuxName `def 1
levelParams := []
type := .sort .zero
value := e
hints := .regular 0
safety := .safe
let r := (← getEnv).addDecl (← getOptions) defn
let .error e := r | return 0
logError m!"Error: {e.toMessageData (← getOptions)}"
return 1
let defn := .defnDecl {
name := ← Lean.mkAuxName `def 1
levelParams := []
type := .sort .zero
value := e
hints := .regular 0
safety := .safe
Lean.addDecl defn
return 0
catch e =>
logError m!"Error: {e.toMessageData}"
return 1

def parseAndDecideSmt2File : SolverM UInt32 := do
let goalType ← parseSmt2File (← SolverM.getInput)
if ← SolverM.getParseOnly then
logInfo m!"Goal:\n{goalType}"
typeCheck goalType
decideSmt goalType
if ← SolverM.getKernelDisabled then
decideSmtNoKernel goalType
decideSmt goalType
Lean.Language.reportMessages (← Core.getMessageLog) (← getOptions)
Expand All @@ -142,18 +94,24 @@ where
|>.setBool ` true
|>.setBool `trace.Meta.Tactic.sat true
|>.setBool `trace.profiler true
--|>.setBool `trace.profiler true

if p.hasFlag "vsimp" then
opts :=
|>.setBool `trace.Meta.Tactic.simp true

if p.hasFlag "skipLrat" then
if p.hasFlag "disableKernel" then
opts :=
|>.setBool `debug.skipKernelTC true

if p.hasFlag "parseOnly" then
opts :=
|>.setNat `pp.maxSteps 10000000000
|>.setNat `pp.deepTerms.threshold 100

opts := opts.setNat `maxHeartbeats <| p.flag! "maxHeartbeats" |>.as! Nat
opts := opts.setNat `maxRecDepth <| p.flag! "maxRecDepth" |>.as! Nat
opts := opts.setNat `trace.profiler.threshold <| p.flag! "pthreshold" |>.as! Nat
Expand All @@ -170,6 +128,7 @@ where
maxSteps := p.flag! "maxSteps" |>.as! Nat
disableAndFlatten := p.hasFlag "disableAndFlatten"
disableEmbeddedConstraintSubst := p.hasFlag "disableEmbeddedConstraintSubst"
disableKernel := p.hasFlag "disableKernel"

unsafe def leanwuzlaCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
Expand All @@ -188,9 +147,9 @@ unsafe def leanwuzlaCmd : Cmd := `[Cli|
maxSteps : Nat; "Set the maximum number of simplification steps."
pthreshold : Nat; "The timing threshold for profiler output."
vsimp; "Print the profiler trace output from simp."
skipLrat; "Skip checking the LRAT certificate of the SAT proof."
disableAndFlatten; "Disable the and flattening pass."
disableEmbeddedConstraintSubst; "Disable the embedded constraints substitution pass."
disableKernel; "Disable the Lean kernel, that is only verify the LRAT cert, no reflection proof"

input : String; "Path to the smt2 file to work on"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lean-toolchain
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@

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