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This project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.0.2.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the --prod flag for a production build.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.

// ToDOs // 1. create navigation component and move all nav related code from app component to new one --done // 2. Create all variables in variables scss file use them all the places where colors are being used --done // 3. Cleanup variables css file move the global styles to styles.scss file --done // 4. padding for "sales App" header and toggle icon --done // 5. Logo place holder to new app-header component --done // 6. Verical center align for header items --done // 7. Popover for user profile Icon and add user minimal details --done // 8. Add routes , create dashboard route and component .. make this default route --done // 9. create Data Service (Http client wrapper) create a property to show spinner, it should be bheaviral subject // 10. Create HTTP interseptor to add token to all ouot going requests if token not avaiable/ expired it should redirect to login route // 11. Add gloabal exception handler // 12. Create "CoreModule" and move all generic purpose things to this, HTTp interceptor, golbal exception handler, broadcasting service,.... // 13. when side nav in hidden mode , after clicking navigation item it should close --done // Page heading for both creation and profile gae --done // Profile rooute click on user profile icon on top right and remove it from left nav --done // Paddings :: page title and bottom buttons --done // Button color and it should be on component remove buttons from each step --done // from validations after only submit

  1. User creation:: after save show MatSnackBarConfig bar vertical top horizantal center and clear all fields --done
  2. User creation:: when save check username and email already exists :: show red lable below the text box (not done bcoz of mat va;idator issue )
  3. Document :: Update styles --done
  4. Login, if IsPasswordChangeRequired: true, redirect to changepassword route :: save here will call ChangePassword { oldPassword, newPassword, userId


  1. after succesfull change password redirecto login --done
  1. Add name prop to user db/api and UI --Done
  2. When get all users - all hirarchy with roles -- pending
  3. Change password complete implementation -- Done At API -- done`
  4. doc upload and download full functional -- Done at API -- done
  5. UI - tree table -- Pending
  6. Change user manager mapping
  7. User status -- created, registered and KYC Submitted and KYC approved -- DONE AT API
  8. User active/de active -- API Done
  9. login api pass parent user details along with token -- Done
  10. API to get all master data Roles, Status,..... -Done
  11. Refactor stylings for doc/upload --Done
  12. User active and manager change
  13. When user object changes update it fromm all the pages --Done
  14. Doc upload:: add upload button for cheque leaf image --Done
  15. client side validation for all the forms
  16. Once KYC approved by admin user profile should be readonly. Handle changes via admin intervention.
  17. Admin role :: user kyc verification
  18. App footer:: immediate manager details along with admin contacts
  19. Fix :: when clicking on user icon on top right additional pop over is coming up --Done
  20. Fix:: Update user not working when there are no back details --api
  1. New user :: Role default option to --Select a role-- --done
  2. User profile :: Add save button call the same submit method --done
  3. Client Side validations :: All forms --done
  4. Footer :: Parent--- Phone and email --done
  5. Tree table :: material and primeNG
  6. KYC Approve :: textbox --> id --> make GetUserDetailsById call--> naviagte to new route "verifyUserKyc" pass this object --> dispaly all user details in new route


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