YourNextRoommates is a web application intended to connect people looking for roommates.
Over traditional applications in this domain, YNR goes further and provides users the ability to look for exactly the roommates they'd mesh well with. Users can filter listings by university, major or profession of the associated poster. Furthermore, users can find the exact listing they'd need in terms of earliest move-in date, lease duration, monthly rent and expected recurring expenses. YNR is meant to make finding your next roommates easy and its also made to list your rental property in a practical and efficient manner. Another unique perspective YNR focuses on is social interaction via user profiles, where users can provide contact details, profile picture, a description of themselves and personal photo gallery.
This project is currently hosted at
Note: Sometimes it may take a few minutes for the frontend to display content. This happens when a new backend instance has to be spun up following a period of dormancy.
- React - Framework used to design the frontend UI
- Django - Backend Web Application Framework
- PostgreSQL - Databased used to store data
- Node.js - JavaScript run-time environment
- Django Rest Framework - Toolkit for building WEB APIs
- SimpleJWT - Provides a JSON Web Token authentication backend for the Django REST Framework
A Django web application is a self-contained package constructed from a number of what Django likes to call 'apps' that each provide a specific utility to the overall application.
Regarding the Django apps developed for this project, we have roommates and roommates_api that each provide a specific utility:
- roommates app provides the models for the application along with any special helpers functions and Django Signals needed to operate on the models.
- roommates_api app utilizes the Django Rest Framework to implement the views needed for the endpoints, serializers to convert between JSON and model datatypes as well as any services needed to support the endpoints.
To run this application you'll need:
- Python 3.9.7 or higher
- NPM 7.21.0 or higher (update by using command
npm i -g npm
) - Node.js 14.17.6 or higher
- Google Geocoding API key
The API key can be added to a .env file where the expected API key name is GOOGLE_API_KEY. The .env file should be placed in core/core/
- A local installation of PostgreSQL
If you have brew, install PostgreSQL with the following steps:
brew install postgresql
to install PostgreSQLbrew services start postgresql
to start the PostgreSQL service (stop it withbrew services stop PostgreSQL
- A PostgreSQL database titled
as the user. Instructions for setting up the database are as follows on Mac OS:psql postgres
If you prefer to use a different database name or user then please modify the database settings accordingly in
In order to run the application locally follow the instructions below:
- Begin by cloning the repository
git clone
- Install virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
- Change directory to the project folder:
cd yournextroommates
- Create a virtual environment:
virtualenv venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
- Install python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Change directory to core:
cd core
- Make Migrations:
./ makemigrations
- Apply DB migrations:
./ migrate
- Runserver:
./ runserver
- Change directory to client folder:
cd client
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start frontend:
npm start
To run a suite of Postman tests, download the .json file from inside the /core/test_api
directory and import into your Postman client
❗ Currently only Postman testing is complete for all API routes. These are being moved to unit tests.
The application provides an API for authentication, user accounts, listings, galleries and images.
POST /api/token/
- Takes an email and password of a user then returns an access and refresh JSON web token pair to prove the authentication of those credentials.POST /api/token/refresh/
- Takes a refresh type JSON web token and returns an access type JSON web token if the refresh token is valid.POST /api/token/blacklist/
- Used to blacklist refresh tokens after a user logs out.
POST /api/users/
- Register a new user with email, password, first and last name, date of birth, city, and province.GET /api/users/me/
- Get details about the currently authenticated user.GET /api/users/{uuid}/
- Get details about a specific userPUT/PATCH /api/users/{uuid}/
- Update a specific user's detailsDELETE /api/users/{uuid}/
- Delete a specific user
GET /api/listings/
- Get all the listings in the database, filters can be applied to make the returned set of listings more relevant (see /api/ more details)POST /api/listings/
- Create a new listing requires details such as listing title, room desc, etc.GET /api/listings/{slug}/
- Get a specific listingPUT/PATCH /api/listings/{slug}/
- Update a specific listingDELETE /api/listings/{slug}/
- Delete a specific listing
POST /api/galleries/
- Create a gallery for either an existing user or listing, must specify for which entity gallery is being made via the flag is_listing_or_user_galleryGET /api/galleries/{gallery_id}/
- Get all the images (as urls) for a specific galleryPOST /api/galleries/{gallery_id}/
- Upload one or more images to the specified listingDELETE /api/galleries/{gallery_id}/
- Delete gallery and all images within itGET /api/galleries/{gallery_id}/{image_id}/
- Get a specific image with in a specified galleryDELETE /api/galleries/{gallery_id}/{image_id}/
- Delete a specific image with in a specified gallery
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch i.e.
git checkout -b feature/foo
- Commit your changes i.e.
git commit -am 'Add some foo'
- Push to branch i.e.
git push origin feature/foo
- Create a new Pull Request
Harman Tatla - Project Developer