The 'SC Loot' discord server is a community server about the game called StarBreak. StarBreak is a unique skill-based action platformer MMO where you explore strange sci-fi worlds alongside dozens of other players, kill legions of dangerous aliens and fight epic boss battles. In this final boss battle portal, players are divided into groups of 40 where each group has the objective of killing the boss and obtaining loot along the way granted they don't die. Each group gets different loot from the other, so I decided to create this server so that players can share what their group managed to get in their portal.
Here is the list of features I implemented for the bot itself:
- Moderation tools - kicking, warning, and banning users.
- An auto-updating ranked role system based on how many submissions a user has in the server.
- An automated weekly and monthly report system that is auto-generated from submissions that users have posted within the week/month.
- A user authentication system that is used by messaging the bot your username upon entering the server. It checks your supplied username against a database of valid StarBreak usernames to see whether it is a valid StarBreak username or not.
- A feature to restrict reaction emojis only to messages that contain the emoji in text form.
You must have a StarBreak account so you can get yourself authenticated.