The Online Grocery Store System, OGSS, developed to give grocery businesses a dedicated online system where customers can shop at their own convenience. The system gives both customers and delivery drivers a real-time dashboard where they can view pending deliveries and their status. New orders are automatically assigned to the drivers with an even distribution algorithm.
- Hibernate
- Spring
- Java
- Log4J
- Angular
- JavaScript
- Add the product to cart.
- Remove the product from the cart.
- See all the added products in the cart.
- Check out from the cart.
- Will have to add Admin.
open the project on eclipse API. Add all the dependencies, right click and run your project on tomcat server, once the project is started open the url and write localhost:8080, back-end code will run on this url. Now to run the project on front-end, first import your code vs-studio or notepad execute the project in the command line interface by writing the command ng serve, this will open the project on web server from where all the functionalities can be accessed and used.