A Small command app that runs any installed application on your windows machine by it's name.
Just copy the output application and the StarterLibrary DLL to any directoy in your PATH variable, or add their location to the PATH variable.
(No Parameters): Shows help command, same as "help", "h", or "?".
Starter help / h / ?
: Shows help command.
Starter list
: lists all reachable (indexable) applications on your machine.
Starter start [ApplicationName]
: Starts an application, or shows a list of applications to choose from in case of multiple results.
Alpha Notice: This Application is in pre-alpha stage, meaning the application is not throughly finished / tested ... it might be unstable, you might face bugs or uncomplete features. Use At Your Own Risk.
Code Reuse: Some of the Indexing code in the project is reused from the Wox Project, Under their MIT License.