This package serves as an installer for simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp package. What it does:
- copy of config templates
- copy of metadata templates
- config setup
- copy/generation of certificates
- enabling of some modules
- adding some custom uon:authorize module
file with APP_KEY to determine environment if not production. See.env.example
config/metadata files etc in following structure
/docs /docs/install /docs/install/ /docs/install//config /docs/install//metadata /docs/install//cert /docs/install//modules
If you do not know what files to put in these folders, it's basically copy+modify as following:
- config comes from
- metadata comes from
- cert has to include
files - modules any modules you want to put in (like uon:authorize)
run with
composer install
(and/or with update) - in yourcomposer.json
"scripts": { "post-install-cmd": [ "UoN\SimpleSamlInstaller\SimpleSamlInstaller::run" ] }